**Due to inclement weather through the month of January 2025, the Community Inspection Cycle start date was postponed.

Prior to the start of each inspection cycle, a pre-inspection notice is mailed via USPS, emailed in the weekly Management email blast to the community, and highlighted in the Chronicle.
Questions? Contact management via email at management@kingfarm.org or call 301-987-0122.
Lot Inspections (Single-Family Homes & Townhomes):
The King Farm Board of Trustees (BOT), Architectural Design Trust (ADT), and Board of Code Compliance (BOCC), are committed to ensuring individual lots are maintained in accordance with the standards prescribed in the King Farm governing documents. King Farm Citizens Assembly (KFCA) governing documents outline homeowners’ obligations to preserve and maintain the exterior visual character of the community (the items can be aesthetic or structural). These standards and guidelines can be found in the Administrative/Equity Resolutions and in the Architectural Design Guide. To protect the visual appeal and character of King Farm, periodic inspections are performed to ensure homeowners comply with the governing documents.
HOA Inspections USA is a 3rd party inspection service that assists the On-Site Management Team in identifying exterior maintenance items during community-wide inspections.
What Do We Look For During Lot Inspections?
On-Site Management or the 3rd party inspection service visually assesses the exterior of individual lots and living units to identify components or items that need maintenance. Homeowners are encouraged to proactively inspect their lot (especially during season changes) to identify any areas that may need attention. Refer to the exterior checklist below for component names (the list is not exhaustive) and the resolutions below.
Frequently Cited Violations:
The most common violations cited during comprehensive inspections include mold, mildew, missing mortar on lead walks, rotten/damaged wood, chipped/peeling/faded paint, broken components, poor workmanship, etc.
- Bricks (broken/damaged, mold/mildew/residue, missing mortar, discolored, etc.)
- Decks (damaged, mold/mildew/residue, not stained or painted, discolored, etc.)
- Dormers (damaged, wood rot, paint peeling, missing trim, discolored, etc.)
- Driveways (depressions/soft area/sinking, broken/cracked, faded/oxidized, discolored, etc.)
- Fences (broken/damaged, wood rot, caps and slates missing, cleaning and paint, wrong style or height, etc.)
- Garages (damaged, faded, discolored, painting required, wrong style, etc.)
- Gutters (damaged, not properly attached, missing, wrong location, clogged, discolored, etc.)
- Trims (damaged, wood rot, wrong size, wrapped/capped, discolored, etc.)
- Windows (damaged, broken glass, torn screens, etc.)
- Shutters (damaged, missing one or more shutters, missing shutter dogs, faded, discolored, etc.)
- Siding (damaged, mold/mildew/residue, warped, discolored, etc.)
Need to see color pictures of the notice you received, use the button below.
Periodic Inspections:
In an ongoing effort to maintain King Farm’s aesthetic and well maintained community, exterior inspections of homes and lots occurs throughout the year. These inspections also note unapproved exterior modifications on residential lots.
In accordance with the Association’s enforcement policies, homeowners are sent notices and provided ample time to address items identified during the inspections process. We encourage homeowners to take prompt action to ensure contractor availability and avoid weather delays as seasons change.
Management does not maintain individual color palettes for each home. You can refer to your settlement documents or to the exterior paint colors page to assist in finding your home’s builder, color palettes, deck stains, fence paint, and trim color. If you are unsure, select the closest color match and contact Management to confirm.
Proactive and Complaint Driven Inspections:
Proactive inspections are ongoing and occur on a scheduled basis throughout the year. These inspections include trash bins, alley lights, landscape, trees, common areas, and holiday decorations.
Note: Neighbors will call to identify concerns when neighbors are not maintaining their home. Management will investigate and cite those homes not in compliance.
Homeowners are encouraged to review their property plats to determine maintenance responsibility and submit property plats to management. There are instances where there is shared maintenance responsibilities of fences or other structures with your neighbor depending on the location.
Resale Inspections:
Resale inspections are similar to lot inspections but more comprehensive. They are performed as part of the resale package purchased by the seller. Please refer to the resale page for more info.