Streets & Sidewalks:
Streets with BLUE signs are maintained by the City of Rockville = public streets.
Streets with WHITE signs are maintained by King Farm Citizens Assembly = private streets.
– Elmcroft St., Pasture Side Way, Pasture Side Pl. (not condo lot), Robena Way, Marsh Hollow Pl., 200 block of Cork Tree, 200 clock of Dee Meadow Ln., Silver Glade Pl., 600 – 1000 blocks of Grand Champion Dr., Poplar Spring Rd., Garden View Way, Garden View Sq., 900 block of Havencrest St., 900 block of Crestfield Dr., 700 – 900 blocks of Reserve Champion Dr., 700 block of Crooked Creek Dr., Rolling Fields Way, Landis Way, Falcon Park Ln., Longhorn Crescent, and Lawson Way.
King Farm Citizens Assembly works closely with the City of Rockville to ensure that repairs are made by the appropriate entity. Because City of Rockville streets run throughout King Farm, there is confusion as to which entity performs maintenance on each street.
Whichever entity is responsible for the street maintains the lighting, sidewalks, curbs, trees, street signs, and the street.

Public streets are maintained by the City of Rockville. If there is a sidewalk in King Farm that is unsafe or in need of repairs please report it to the City.
You can also call or email the Department of Public Works for any questions:
- Phone: 240-314-8500
- Email:
- Rockville Public Works Emergency: 240-314-8567
The State of Maryland is responsible for all state-owned roads. Including MD 28, MD 355, MD 586, and MD 911.
Please contact the Maryland Department of Transportation to report concerns or issues.
City of Rockville Street Repairs:
The City of Rockville is responsible for maintaining and replacing public streets. Potholes and other road damage can cause significant damage to motorists. If you see a pothole, please contact the 24-hour emergency line at 240-314-8567. To report all other street concerns please click the button below.
Street Repaving and Replacement:
Rockville streets are evaluated and maintained through the asphalt maintenance program, which is funded annually through the city’s Capital Improvements Program. Rockville repaves streets to create a smoother drive for motorists and to preserve the integrity of roads.
Normal work hours for repaving will be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on secondary streets and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on major streets.
No Parking
“No parking” signs will be posted by the City within 48 hours of the start of work. Temporary traffic stoppages are necessary for safety but should have minimal impact on traffic.