Food Truck Tonight
September Food Truck Schedule*
- Friday, September 17 – Banging BBQ
- Friday, September 24 – Greek on Wheels Truck
*Food trucks are subject to change due or be canceled due to weather events.
2022 Draft Budget Coming Soon
The initial 2022 draft budget process is underway and based on initial analysis, no increase is anticipated for the 2022 fiscal year.
The draft budget will be posted to the resident portal on or before September 24th, 2021. The Budget & Finance Committee will host an open meeting via zoom to discuss the proposed budget. The meeting will be held in early October (exact meeting date TBD*). A zoom link for the meeting will be sent via email blast and posted on the King Farm website.
Comments or questions can be sent via email to Comments will be shared with the Budget & Finance Committee and the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees is expected to vote on the 2022 Draft budget at the October 27, 2021 Board Meeting.
Final Weekend the Pools Are Open!
Both King Farm pools will be open THIS Saturday and Sunday (September 18th and 19th) from 11:00 am – 8:30 pm. After this weekend, the pools will officially close for the season and will reopen in May of 2022.
As a reminder, reservations are not required to use the pools, but they are encouraged. Both pools will be available this weekend for 2-hour reservation time slots starting at 11:00 am. The pools will close for 30 minute increments 4 times per day in order to ensure that regular cleaning and disinfecting procedures can occur.
Please visit the reservation portal at to book your reservation.
Upcoming Board and Committee Meetings
To attend the Zoom meetings, you must register in advance. Each meeting will have an open forum for residents to ask questions or make comments (limited to 3 minutes speaking time per resident). As part of the registration process, registrants must submit their contact information (name, street address, email, and phone number) and select yes or no if they would like to speak during open forum. If you would like to speak during open forum, please provide the topic you will be speaking about. **If you need assistance registering for a virtual meeting, please contact Management by phone (301) 987-0122 or by email at
Upcoming Meetings:
- Architectural Design Trust (ADT) – Wednesday 10/13/2021 – 4:30 PM
- Board of Trustees (BOT) – Wednesday 09/29/2021 – 7:00 PM
- External Affairs Committee – No Meeting Scheduled*
Zoom Meeting Registration Links:
*Meetings are for King Farm Titleholders and Citizens only. Registrants will be verified to ensure participants are titleholders/citizens.
Deadline to Submit Design Review Applications is 10/05 for Oct. Meeting
If you would like to submit a Design Review Application (DRA) for any upcoming home renovations or landscaping changes you would like to make, your completed application must be submitted no later than Tuesday, October 5th at 5:00 pm in order to be reviewed at the October meeting. As a reminder, applications are considered completed once you receive an email from the Management Office indicating that your application has been received AND is complete.
The supplemental information needed for the DRA is listed on the application itself (which can be downloaded from the resident portal or the website) . The following are the main components for the supplemental documents (but not an exhaustive list):
- a description of the proposed changes and work to be completed (a contractor’s proposal if available with contact information).
- a copy of the individual property plat for your home/lot showing property lines and detailed architectural specifications (can be found in your settlement documents). Additionally, you should identify on your plat where the proposed changes will take place.
- type of material(s) (manufacturer link/sample) to be used, color of material(s)(manufacturer link/sample)
- picture of the current exterior showing the existing elements and to provide perspective for the ADT and community architect;
- and renderings (if applicable) of the proposed changes.
Certain materials and colors for various home elements have been identified and can be found in the King Farm Architectural Design Guide on our website and located in the resident portal:
Upcoming City of Rockville Planning Commission Meeting
The next City of Rockville Planning Commission Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 22nd at 7:00 PM via WebEx. Residents can watch the meeting live on Comcast Cable Rockville Channel 11 and online at Please click here to view the meeting agenda.
The meeting will include a recommendation to Mayor and Council for the Project Plan Application PJT2021-00013, for the Construction of Approximately 252 Townhomes and 118 Two-Over-Two Multi-Family Units in the MXCD (Mixed-Use Corridor District) Zone at 16200 Frederick Road (King Buick) and Parcel P170, EYA Development, LLC, Applicant.
If you wish to submit comments in writing for an agenda item, please email them to by 4:00 pm on the day prior to the meeting. If you wish to testify orally on an agenda item, please refer to the virtual meeting procedures included on the meeting agenda. All written comments will be acknowledged by the Planning Commission at the meeting.
Fall Maintenance Reminder
Friendly reminder that the community-wide inspections are still in progress and there is still time to address any outstanding maintenance items before final notices are issued. Contact Management with any questions via email at or call (301) 987-0122.
With fall right around the corner, KFCA would like to remind you of some helpful tips to get your home and property ready for colder temperatures and to prevent costly damage. In some instances, deferred exterior maintenance items can affect the interior of your home and result in both interior and exterior issues that could have otherwise been prevented. Please see below for some helpful tips:
Landscape and Yardwork
- Although grass appears to stop growing in the fall, the roots are actually growing deeper to prepare for winter. Now is the best time to fertilize and reseed your lawn.
- Keep your grass at 2 to 2½ inches tall – If your grass gets much taller (more than 3 inches) it will mat, and this could lead to winter lawn disease problems such as snow mold.
- Weed plant beds and put down fresh mulch.
- Prune your trees and shrubs after the leaves turn to encourage healthy growth.
- Trim any tree limbs that are dangerously close to power lines or the roof of your house. Heavy snow and ice can cause damage in the winter.
Windows and Doors
- Change summer screens to cool weather storm windows and doors.
- Inspect and repair any loose or damaged window or door frames.
- Install weather stripping or caulking around windows and doors to prevent drafts and to lower heating bills.
Gutters and Downspouts
- Clean gutters and downspouts frequently throughout fall to prevent build up of leaves and other debris. Neglected gutters can lead to wood rot problems and pest infestations, not to mention ruined gutters.
- Be sure water is not coming down behind gutters and that all support brackets are securely in place.
- Ensure that water drains properly and doesn’t pool. Pooling can cause damage to foundations, driveways, and walkways.
Heating Systems
- Replace the filter in your furnace.
- Consider having a heating professional check your heating system to ensure optimal performance and discover minor problems before they turn into costly major repairs.
- Clean your ducts to better your heating system’s efficiency as well as to reduce household dust and to provide relief to those with respiratory problems.
- To prevent pipes freezing and bursting, ensure that the pipes are well insulated.
- Know how to locate and turn off the water shut-off valve in case pipes do freeze.
Chimney and Fireplace
- Call a professional in to inspect and clean your chimney. Fireplaces that are regularly used during the season should have an annual cleaning to prevent dangerous chimney fires.
- Test your fireplace flue for a tight seal when closed.
Attic ventilation
- Be sure attic insulation doesn’t cover vents in the eaves to prevent winter ice dams on the roof.
- Be sure ridge vents and vents at eaves are free of plants and debris.
- Check bird and rodent screens for attic vents to prevent any unwanted guests.
Pet Reminder – Private Property vs. Common Area
We continue to receive complaints about people allowing pets to urinate and defecate on private property. We ask that pet owners make every effort to ensure that their pets stay on curb grass and NOT on private property. Dog urine kills grass, flowers, and other plant materials.
Lastly, please pick up after your pet(s) and dispose of pet waste properly.
Not every homeowner is a pet owner, so please be a responsible pet owner and be respectful of private property.
King Farm Neighbors Village News
King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV)’s Coffee and Conversation on Wednesday, September 15th reflected the beginning of school with a discussion of favorite school memories, including a favorite teacher. Good memories abounded!
The last virtual event for September is KFNV’s highlight event – a virtual Octoberfest Beer and Chocolate Tasting sponsored by True Respite Brewing, Co. and The Chocolatier’s Palette on Friday, September 24th from 7:30 pm to approximately 9:00 pm. KFNV members will remember the fun holiday virtual tasting that these neighbors provided in December. This time the beers and chocolates will reflect an autumn theme. KFNV will cover the cost of the beer and chocolate tasting kits – one per family – for members who signed up for the Zoom event by September 10th as well as deliver the kits to these registered members.
Please visit the KFNV website at for a complete description of the September KFNV events. In addition, the KFNV Blog under the News section of the website has articles about past events as well as news relevant to the KFNV community. Also, both the Movie Club and Book Club welcome new members. Finally, as was noted above membership is necessary to participate in the Octoberfest Beer and Chocolate virtual tasting. Please see below for KFNV membership details.
How to Contact KFNV:
For most of our monthly events, membership is required; but membership is free and as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form. We do, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. For information on how to register for any of the above events, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Member Coordinators at, leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104, or view the KFNV website at
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Voicemail: (301) 799-8104
Rockville Canopy Replacement Project
Beginning September 11 through December 4, 2021 there will be no Red Line train service to Rockville & Shady Grove. Shuttle bus service, Metrobus and RideOn buses will provide options for getting around.
For more information please click here.

RCPD News Report: September 6, 2021 to September 12, 2021
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Weekly Public Safety Information
In an ongoing effort to reduce crime in the city, the Rockville City Police Department would like to address the theft of packages and the theft of items from motor vehicles. By providing these crime prevention tips, the Rockville City Police Department is hoping to inform city residents and visitors of these extra steps they can take to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of these crimes.
Preventing Package Thefts:
- Sign up for delivery alerts so you know when your delivery is scheduled. If possible, ask to be notified when your package has been delivered. If possible, require a signature for all deliveries.
- Consider shipping packages to your place of work instead of your home address.
- If possible, request that your package’s carrier hold packages for pickup at a store or local shipping center for your respective carrier.
- If you are unable to be home for a delivery, ask a trusted neighbor if they are available to receive your package until you can pick it up.
- Be a good neighbor! If you see a package unattended on your neighbor’s doorstep, reach out to them and ask if they would like you to hold onto it until they are home.
Preventing Theft from Vehicles:
- Lock your doors and close your windows! One of the best ways to prevent theft from vehicles is to secure your vehicle. Even if you are leaving the vehicle unattended for only a few minutes, a thief only needs a few seconds to remove valuables from your vehicle.
- Remove all valuables in your vehicle before securing it. This includes items like electronics (cell phones, GPS, laptops, video game systems) wallets and purses, tool kits, personal bags, cash notes and coins, jewelry, and all other items that may appear valuable.
- If you are in a situation where you have to keep valuables in your vehicle, make sure to store them in a secure space such as a locked glove box or in the trunk of your vehicle out of sight.
- If you are not planning on using your vehicle for an extended period of time, periodically check on your vehicle to ensure that it is still secure and that all valuables have been removed from the vehicle.
- Park in busy, well-lit areas. Thieves are more likely to target vehicles in areas where the chance of witnesses observing their crime is lower.
- Activate any alarms or anti-theft systems before leaving your vehicle. If your vehicle does not have one of these systems, consider investing in one.
- The Rockville City Police Department is committed to protecting and serving all members of the public. By following the safety tips and resources provided above, you can help us help you by taking steps to inform yourself on public safety issues to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.