Association News – Friday, December 10, 2021
Upcoming Food Truck Friday Schedule
*There is no food truck scheduled tonight. Please see the schedule below for upcoming food trucks.
December Food Truck Schedule:
- Friday, December 10 – No Food Truck Scheduled
- Friday, December 17 – Fat Pete’s BBQ Truck
- Friday, December 24 – No Food Truck – Holiday
- Friday, December 31 – No Food Truck – Holiday
*Food trucks are subject to change and cancel due to weather and other issues beyond our control.
November/December Edition of the King Farm Chronicle
The November/December holiday edition of the King Farm Chronicle is here. Click here to enjoy the last edition of 2021!
Upcoming Board & Committee Meetings in December/January:
Please see below for all upcoming board and committee meetings. In order to attend, you must register in advance. You can view meeting schedules and registration links by visiting our website (
Board of Trustees (BOT):
- December 2021
- No Meeting Scheduled*
- January 2022
- Wednesday 01/19/2022 – 7:30 PM
Board of Code Compliance (BOCC):
- December 2021:
- Monday 12/13/2021 – 7:00 PM (hearing)
- Monday 12/20/2021 – 7:00 PM (hearing)
- Tuesday 12/21/2021 – 7:00 PM (hearing)
- January 2022:
- Monday 01/03/2022 – 7:00 PM (hearing)
- Tuesday 01/04/2022 – 7:00 PM (hearing)
- Monday 01/10/2022 – 7:00 PM (regularly scheduled meeting)
Architectural Design Trust (ADT):
- December 2021:
- Wednesday 12/15/2021 – 4:30 PM *Deadline to submit apps. is 12/08
- January 2022:
- Wednesday 01/08/2022 – 4:30 PM *Deadline to submit apps. is 01/05
*Meetings are for King Farm Titleholders and Citizens only. Registrants will be verified to ensure participants are titleholders/citizens.
2022 Budget and Resolutions Updates
The 2022 KFCA Budget was approved during the October 27, 2021, Board of Trustees meeting. The budget mailer was mailed on November 30th and was delivered to residents. The mailer includes the following items:
- Budget letter (1 page)
- 2022 Budget (2 pages)
- AHC Direct debit form (for single family and townhomes only – condominium owners should contact their respective management company).
- For accounting questions, please utilize the online form ( (1 page)
- Owner/resident contact form.
- This information can be provided directly to Management at or by using the online form ( (1 page)
- Resolutions Update. Resolutions adopted in 2020 and 2021, as well as resolutions to be discussed and adopted at the January 19, 2022, Board of Trustees meeting (1 page):
- AR No. 4 – Due Process Resolution
- AR No. 15 – Virtual Assembly Meetings
- ER No. 10 – Grant of Easement
All draft resolutions (and other King Farm documents) are available on the King Farm website ( in the resident portal powered by Frontsteps. If you haven’t signed up, you can go the King Farm home page and click “New Resident Sign-Up” or by clicking the following link:
Questions and comments can be sent via email to the Management Office at or you can call the office at 301-987-0122.
Holiday Celebration Returns with Santa & Toy Drive – Sun. 12/19
The holiday season is upon us, and King Farm is excited to once again host the return of the annual King Farm Family Holiday Celebration and Toy Drive at the Saddle Ridge Community Center.
So, come one, come all and get yourselves in the holiday spirit of giving by joining your friends and neighbors for a fun-filled afternoon of toy collecting on Sunday, December 19, 2021, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle.
This family friendly party will include the jolly big man himself making his annual appearance to meet with King Farm children and pose for photos. So be sure to have your children bring their holiday wish lists, as Santa can’t wait to check his list to see if you’ve been naughty or nice. A professional photographer will be taking photos and a link will be supplied to those families who choose to download the photos free of charge. We ask all who register to bring a new, unwrapped toy for our toy donation drive.
To keep COVID safe protocols in place, SPACE IS LIMITED, and YOU MUST pre-register for this event. This event is open to King Farm residents only, no outside non-resident guests. Your registration and address will be checked at the door, if you do not have a reservation, you will not be able to participate. Four time slots will be available for convenience, and registration is now open via this link. Once all spaces have filled, registration will automatically close.
So, let’s get into the ho-ho holiday spirit and break a King Farm record for toy donations and help local children in need have a joyous holiday season with your generous toy donations.
Pulte Section Paving Update – Work Scheduled for 12/13-12/14
Please be advised that the alleys in the Pulte section will undergo paving in the alleys and the streets on Monday 12/13 and Tuesday 12/14 (weather permitting). After the crews have passed your section, you will be able to immediately drive on the asphalt. However, please do not make hard turns on the newly rolled asphalt as it will damage it.
Crews have placed signage and distributed flyers to make residents in these areas aware of the work that will be completed. Vehicles cannot extend into the alleyway/drive lanes during this time as crews will need space to roll the asphalt. Cars will be towed or relocated to another area if they are in the way.
- Cars do not need to be out the entire 2 days, but they need to be out when crews get to each section.
- Cars need to be moved while they are paving at the respective area.
- Residents will be able to see when crews are at their home.
Please plan ahead and relocate vehicles to your garage or an alternate location to avoid to avoid being towed. We appreciate your cooperation!

Rockville Fire Department Santa Run
RVFD officials have just finished their zoom meeting with the North Pole. We are pleased to present our 2021 Santa Run Schedule. We look forward to seeing our neighbors again this year as we bring Santa and all his holiday joy to our community!
Our Santa runs usually begin around 6:30 pm and conclude around 9pm. Our ability to complete these events are dependent upon emergency call load and apparatus availability.
For your best chance at seeing Santa:
– Check our website for detailed information
– Monitor RVFD social media for updates
– Congregate at intersections along our routes
Please NEVER follow Santa in your personal vehicle as this is dangerous and distracting to our drivers.

Saddle Ridge Community Center Rental Update
The King Farm Community Center Clubroom is officially booked for party rentals for the month of December 2021.
We are now accepting reservations for rentals from January through March of 2022. For more information about the Community Center or to complete a rental application, please visit our website (
King Farm Neighbors Village News
King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) continued its December activities yesterday with the KFNV monthly Book Club. Specifically, the KFNV Book Club discussed its final book of the year: Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver. Unsheltered is a novel that explores two families living in the same house in Vineland, New Jersey during two different eras: the 21st and 19th centuries. The Book Club participants had an engaging discussion about the book with the discussion leaders offering information about the author and the historical figures presented in the book as well as penetrating questions. Many members felt parts of the book were rather tedious, which led to a middling average rating of 3 out of 5.
The KFNV will end 2021 with Coffee and Conversation on Wednesday, December 15th where the topic will be: What are you looking forward to in 2022? Participants are welcome to bring memorabilia to accompany their ideas for the New Year.
Please visit the KFNV website at for a complete description of the December KFNV events. In addition, the KFNV Blog under the News section of the website has articles about events as well as news relevant to the KFNV community. Also, both the Movie Club and Book Club welcome new members. Please see below for KFNV membership details.
How to Contact KFNV:
For most of our monthly events, membership is required; but membership is free and as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form. We do, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. For information on how to register for any of the above events, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Member Coordinators at, leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104, or view the KFNV website at
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Voicemail: (301) 799-8104
City and County Updates:
New Water and Sewer Rates
The Mayor and Council commissioned a study of the City of Rockville’s utility rate structure in FY20. Staff selected a nationally renowned consulting firm to provide recommendations for creating a new rate structure that creates three customer classes based on the cost of water and sewer service. The rates and rate structure were adopted by the Mayor and Council on November 15, 2021, and will take effect on January 1, 2022.
Rockville Farmers Market: Winter Special Edition
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 11th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
WHERE: Jury Parking Lot, Corner of MD 28 and Monroe Street
A variety of vendors participate in the Saturday Farmers Market providing an array of locally grown fruits and vegetables, plants and flowers, baked goods, cheeses and meats for purchase. Below are the participating vendors for the Saturday. A special winter edition of the Rockville Farmers Market, featuring some favorite vendors will take place in December.
Metro to Reopen Shady Grove and Rockville Metrorail Stations on Jan. 16
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA, or Metro) announced this week that it will reopen the Shady Grove and Rockville stations on Jan. 16. The stations have been closed for a four-month period for the Rockville Canopy Replacement Project.
New Parking Rates Will Go into Effect on Monday, Jan. 3
New parking rates at Montgomery County-operated garages, parking lots and street meters will go into effect beginning on Monday, Jan. 3, and will be implemented in stages over the following months. The Montgomery County Council adopted the parking rates as part of the Fiscal Year 2022 budget process.
County Council Revises Redistricting Boundaries
The County Council voted Tuesday to pass enabling legislation that revises the boundaries of council districts to create seven districts, as required by the Montgomery County charter that was amended by the voters in the 2020 general election. See the interactive map showing the new council district boundaries.
The council vote is consistent with nearly all the recommendations made in the Commission on Redistricting report, with some minor adjustments proposed by residents.
Before 2020, the charter required that the county be divided into five council districts. The new requirement for seven districts applies to the 2022 elections. The council will consist of eleven members in total in December 2022. Seven district councilmembers will be elected by registered voters who live in each district. Four at-large members will be elected by all voters across the county. More.
RCPD News Report: November 30, 2021 to December 07, 2021
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850