Association News – Friday, June 10th, 2022

King Farm 25th Anniversary Celebration This Sunday!
Come out and celebrate this milestone event!
Due to pending rain on Saturday, we are moving the party to Sunday.
King Farm’s 25th Annual Community Celebration, will be held this Sunday, June 12, 2022 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm on the lawn in front of the Saddle Ridge Community Center (300 Saddle Ridge Circle).
There will be free catered BBQ (while supplies last), beer available for purchase from True Respite Brewing, and frozen treats available for purchase from Kona Ice.
There will also be moon bounces, a performance by the band Vertigo Red, a laser light show at dark, and a fireworks finale above the Community Center at dark (wind/weather permitting).
*Please note, residents near by may be able to hear the fireworks show around 9:15 pm. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience! Please be mindful of pets and others who may be sensitive to loud noises during this time.
**Important Event Reminders**
- The Saddle Ridge parking lot (behind the pool) will be closed beginning at 10:00 AM Sunday morning.
- The Saddle Ridge Pool will open late at 12:00 PM (weather permitting) on Saturday 6/11 for the KFST time trials.
- The Saddle Ridge pool will open LATE at 11:00 AM Sunday due to the KFST pre-team evaluations.
- The Saddle Ridge pool will close EARLY at 4:00 PM (Sunday) for the event.
- The Bailey’s pool will be open on a normal schedule all weekend.
- The Saddle Ridge Fitness Center will close early at 4:00 PM (Sunday).
For questions, please e-mail We hope to see you at the celebration!

The King Farm 25th Anniversary Celebration will be held Sunday, June 12th, 2022. ‘No Parking’ restrictions will be in effect beginning at 4:00 PM. No parking signs will be posted in the affected areas. Residents are encouraged to walk to the celebration as parking will be limited.
Police will close off the following streets for traffic and pedestrian safety from 4:00 – 10:00 PM for the event:
- ALL of Saddle Ridge Circle
- Portions of Saddle Ridge Lane
- Portions of Reserve Champion Drive
- Portions of Game Creek Drive
- Portions of Thompson Dairy Way
If you typically park in front of your home or on any of the streets mentioned above, please relocate your vehicle to your driveway or garage by 4:00 pm on Sunday, June 12th.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Upcoming June Committee Meetings
For information and to register, please go to the King Farm website for Zoom meeting links:
- Board of Code Compliance (BOCC): Mon. 6/13/22 – 7:00 PM
- Architectural Design Trust (ADT): Wed. 06/15/22 – 4:30 PM
- *deadline to submit ADT applications is Wed. 6/8.
- *deadline to submit ADT applications is Wed. 6/8.
- Board of Trustees (BOT): Wed. 06/29/22 @ 7:30 PM
- Rescheduled from the original date of 6/15.
June Edition of the King Farm Chronicle
The June 2022 edition of the King Farm Chronicle is here and will be delivered to your doorsteps soon! Click here to read the online version of the Chronicle. Please visit our website under Stay Informed / King Farm Chronicle to read past editions (
This edition of the Chronicle has a special primary election voters guide. Be sure to check out page 8 to view the 2022 Maryland Primary Election Voter’s Guide.

Food Truck Friday Night

It’s Food Truck Friday, head to the Saddle Ridge Community Center at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle between 5:00 and 7:30 pm tonight where Traditional Authentic Mexican Food will be serving it up.
See the list below for the upcoming schedule of when your favorite food trucks will be rolling into King Farm. Please remember due to weather and mechanical issues, trucks may decide to cancel.
June Food Truck Friday Schedule:
- June 10th – Traditional Authentic Mexican Food
- June 17th – Giacomos Brick Oven Pizza
- June 24th – Silver & Son’s BBQ
Alley Apron/Paver Repairs & Tuckpointing/Masonry Projects Underway

The alley apron repairs are underway. Signs will be posted in advance to indicate where the work will take place, but residents can also refer to the attached Alley Apron Repair Schedule for more information. Please keep in mind that this project is weather dependent. If inclement weather occurs, the work will be postponed (based on the number of rain days that occur) until the weather is acceptable. Crews may not have time to place new signage if inclement weather occurs.
As a result of the project, each alley undergoing work will be limited to the entrance/exit points. For example, if the entrance to the alley of 224 Watkins Pond Blvd. is scheduled for work the week of June 6th, residents will have to use the other alley entrance located at 200 Watkins Pond Blvd. Please refer to the attached alley apron repair schedule to determine the closures.
If you have questions, please contact the Management Office by phone at 301-987-0122 or by email at Project updates will be provided via email blast.
Tuckpointing & Masonry Project Underway:
Please be advised that you may see crews around King Farm working on brick columns,
pillars, and monument signs throughout the community. They are making repairs to missing mortar and damages bricks in the columns. The work should not impact day-to-day activities, but some areas may be cordoned off while repairs are being made. We appreciate your cooperation to provide avoid these work areas when possible. If there are any questions, please contact Management.
King Farm Pools are Open for the Season!
Saddle Ridge Pool & Bailey’s Commons Pools:
Everyone is excited for summer and to get in the pool. While we want everyone to enjoy their time at the pool, we want to ensure that people are respectful while they are at the pool. Be sure to review the pool rules. Violations of the rules can result in the loss of pool privileges. It is important that you and your guests are familiar with the rules. Please remember that your key fob is required for entry. Your key fob is associated with your pictures so please do not use other family member’s key fob.
Please remember to follow lifeguard instructions. Failure to follow lifeguard instructions can result in the suspension of the use of the pool for a day, a week, or the remainder of the season. It is possible that due to lifeguard staffing shortages, the pool hours may be affected. However, we are working diligently to ensure that closures are not necessary. However, if closures are needed, please be respected as those are circumstances out of our control.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding and look forward to seeing you at the pool.
*Please note – lifeguards and other patrons may opt to continue to social distance or wear masks, so please be considerate.
Key Fob – Needed to Access the Pools
Friendly reminder for all residents who want to use the King Farm pools this summer — please be sure to obtain a key fob (if you do not already have one) and update your information on file with the Management office so that you can access the community pools.
Due to the high volume of key fob requests, we are only handling key fob requests by appointment only with the Management office at this time. Please contact the Management Office by phone at (301) 987-0122 or by email at to schedule an appointment for a new or replacement key fob.
- Guests – Each King Farm Citizen/Resident, 18 and older, with a valid key fob may bring up to 4 guests (free of charge) to the pool.
- Members 14 and older with a valid key fob may bring up to 1 guest.
- Residents MUST accompany their guest(s) in order for them to be allowed access to the pools.
- Key Fobs – Assigned key fobs are required to access the pool. A key fob can ONLY be used by the individual it is assigned to.
- Pool Policies – A complete list of King Farm Citizens Assembly Pool Rules can be found HERE.
- Violations of rules or failure to comply with lifeguard instructions will result in suspension of privileges.
Key Fob Application Form:
If you need to obtain a key fob, please complete and submit the online application .: When you complete the application, please upload a copy of your driver’s license (and anyone else in your household who is applying) and a copy of your lease (if you are a tenant). Lastly, please be sure to list ALL members of your household who need to obtain a key fob.
Replacement Key Fobs:
If you lost your key fob or if you are an owner and your tenants never returned their key fobs, you can schedule an appointment for a replacement. Please note, replacement key fobs are $25.00 each.
**Any residents who are planning on moving or leaving the community should contact Management to RETURN their key fobs.
King Farm Fall Festival Business Fair Now Accepting Vendors
Applications are now being accepted for the 15th Annual King Farm Fall Festival Business Fair to be held on Sunday, October 2, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is a limited number of booth spaces available and this is a great way to get your name and business noticed in the King Farm community.
Contact today to request the Fall Festival Business Fair application packet.
KFCA ‘Petiquette’ Reminder
Please see below for helpful reminders for pet owners. Not every homeowner is a pet owner, so please be a responsible pet owner and be respectful of private property. Avoiding private property is the best way to be a courteous neighbor.
- Keep your pet on a leash (unless you have an off-leash permit from the City of Rockville).
- Do not allow your pet to wander onto other resident’s property.
- If your pet has to go, make sure it does so on common areas, like the curb grass closest to the street.
- Pet urine kills plants and flowers! Please be mindful of the community landscaping and your neighbors landscaping.
- Keep our common areas and parks clean, by picking up pet waste and disposing it in the GREEN trash bins located throughout the community.
- Violators of pet policies, including off-leash violators and pet waste violators, should be reported to the Animal Control and can also be reported to Management.
- Rockville Animal Control: 240-314-8937
- To file a pet violation report, please use this online form:
King Farm Neighbors Village News (KFNV)
The King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) continued its June schedule of activities yesterday, June 9th with the KFNV Book Club’s discussion of the book, The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish. This historical fiction novel centers around the lives of two women separated by 400 years. Book Club participants brought thought-provoking and engaging questions to the discussion.
There are two more KFNV events scheduled for June:
1. On June 15, 2022 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, the KFNV will host only via Zoom Coffee and Conversation where the topic of conversation will be: What are your favorite local places to visit in the summer? and last but not least;
2. The KFNV is inviting the King Farm community to its first ever field trip on Thursday, June 23, 2022. The specifics are:
- Who: All members of the King Farm community are invited. You do not have to be a member of the KFNV to participate in this event.
- What: A guided walking tour of Glen Echo National Park by a Park Ranger
- Where: Glen Echo National Park (7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo, MD)
- Time: We will gather as a group in front of the Carousel at 1:45 pm for a 2:00 pm tour. Look for the Park Ranger to find the KFNV group.
- Other Important Information: The walking tour will start promptly at 2:00 pm and will last approximately 45 minutes. Therefore, if you would like to take a ride on the Carousel, please arrange to be at the Carousel by at least 1:30 pm. The walking tour path is both wheelchair and walker accessible. Parking is off MacArthur Boulevard. In addition, handicap parking is specifically available with a short walking distance to the park’s entrance. In the event of inclement weather, the tour will be rescheduled. If you have any questions about the tour, please contact KFNV at or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104.
The KFNV hopes that you can join us at Glen Echo Park to learn about the history of the park, including the beautiful Dentzel Carousel which celebrated its 100th birthday last year, and to be part of our very first KFNV field trip.
SERVICES: The KFNV is continuing to build its community services program with:
1. Transportation to appointments,
2. Friendly phone calls,
3. Friendly visits, and
4. One new service – simple household tasks.
The KFNV has given members rides to various appointments and has successfully fulfilled it’s first simple household task. Please see below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services. Also, note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. Just below is information on how to become a member of the KFNV.
How to Contact KFNV:
For most of the KFNV monthly events, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form. Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator at, leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104, or view the KFNV website at
12th Annual Senior Safety Forum – June 13-16th, 2022

In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15th) and Maryland Protect Week, leaders of the Montgomery County Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Task Force will host the 12th Annual County Senior Safety Forum from June 13-16th, 2022.
This year’s forum, which can be joined online or viewed on live stream at County senior centers, will be a series of informative and fun sessions discussing “Staying Connected Safely.”
According to data from the National Institute on Aging, loneliness and being disconnected can have adverse physical and mental impacts on seniors. In addition to this year’s Senior Safety Forum, the County has made an effort during the COVID-19 health crisis to reduce senior isolation. The County released a fact sheet and hosted a 2021 Commission on Aging forum on countering social isolation.
The multi-day event is sponsored by the County’s departments of Health and Human Services and Recreation; the Fire and Rescue Service; the offices of Consumer Protection, County Attorney and State’s Attorney; ElderSAFE Charles E. Smith Life Communities; and the Family Justice Center Foundation.
For more information or to register, please click here.
RCPD News Report: May 31, 2022 to June 09, 2022
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Catalytic Converter Increased Thefts – Free Event for Rockville Residents
The theft of catalytic converters has increased in the City and County and is part of a national crime trend. Catalytic converters contain a material called palladium, and it has skyrocketed in value, which is driving the increase in thefts.
As an added level of protection, the Rockville City Police Department, National Insurance Crime Bureau, and International Collision Center (ICC) have teamed up to host a Free Catalytic Converter Etching event on Saturday, June 18, 2022 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, where members of the ICC team will etch your VIN number on your vehicle’s catalytic converter as a deterrent to theft. Trucks and small vehicles can be accommodated at this free event.
You must register to secure your time slot, space is limited to 32 vehicles and you must be a City of Rockville resident. To secure a spot, register here: