Association News – Friday, February 17, 2023
Management Office Closed in Observance of President’s Day

The King Farm On-Site Management Office will be closed on Monday, February 20th, in observance of Presidents Day. Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 21st, at 8:30 am.
February 2023 Edition of the King Farm Chronicle
The February edition of the King Farm Chronicle is here. Please visit our website under Stay Informed / King Farm Chronicle to read past editions (
Upcoming King Farm Board & Committee Meetings
- Architectural Design Trust (ADT):
- Wednesday 03/08/2023 – 4:30 PM
- Board of Trustees (BOT)
- Wednesday 03/15/2023 – 7:30 PM
- Wednesday 03/15/2023 – 7:30 PM
- Board of Code Compliance (BOCC)
- Tuesday 02/21/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- Monday 02/27/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- Tuesday 02/28/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- Monday 03/13/2023 – 7:00 PM (regular meeting)
- External Affairs (EA):
- Thursday 03/02/2023 – 7:30 PM
King Farm meetings are held virtually. Residents can find the Zoom registration links for all upcoming King Farm Board of Trustees and Committee meetings online by visiting King Farm website on the “Zoom Meeting Links” page. To attend the Zoom meetings, you must register in advance. Each meeting will have an open forum for residents to ask questions or make comments (limited to 3 minutes speaking time per resident). If you would like to speak during open forum, please provide the topic you will be speaking about.
**If you need assistance registering for a virtual meeting and for all other questions, please contact Management by phone (301) 987-0122 or by email at
KFCA Table Talk – February 22nd @ 7:00 PM
Board of Trustees (BOT), KFCA President, and Management are providing an opportunity for residents and owners to have discussions with the KFCA Leadership and Management in an informal setting known as KFCA Table Talks. These are not formal meetings, so the entire BOT will not be present, and no board decisions will be made. There will be 1 or 2 members of the BOT, the KFCA President, and the General Manager and/or management staff present. The format is a 1-hour open forum to allow a free-flowing dialogue of various topics presented by the attendees. However, depending on the number of participants, the format may be adjusted.
Join us for the KFCA Table on February 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm (in person) at the Saddle Ridge Community Center (300 Saddle Ridge Circle). Management will place notices in the Chronicle (when dates are known in advance) and in the King Farm weekly Friday e-mail blasts. However, you are always welcome to schedule an appointment with the General Manager ( or the President ( If you have questions, please email
Final Call For Candidates – 2023 Annual Meeting and Election Completed Petitions Due Wed. Feb. 22nd by 3:00 PM
Applications must include a completed Petition for Candidacy form, a Statement of Purpose, and the 20 required signatures of Qualified Citizens (registered with the Assembly current within 30 days of any financial obligation due to the Assembly). Petitions will be deemed invalid if all requirements are not met by 3:00 pm.
2023 King Farm Annual Meeting & Election will take place at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, April 26th via Zoom meeting. For more information about the meeting and candidate information, please visit the Farm website:
Candidate Information:
- There are four (4) open seats for the Board of Trustees (BOT). Three (3) seats are two-year terms and one (1) seat is for a one-year term. For those interested in running in the 2023 Election, please visit the King Farm website for requirements and refer to the Candidate Considerations document.
- Complete your candidacy “Statement of Purpose” using no more than one (1) page. The Statement of Purpose must be typed using a font 12-point or higher and double spaced.
- Complete the “Petition For Candidacy Form”, including necessary signatures.
- The completed documents with the necessary signatures must be received by the Management Office [electronically, hand-delivered, or via USPS mail] no later than 3:00 pm Wednesday, February 22, 2023.
- Lack of the necessary number of valid signatures will result in an invalid candidacy petition (signatures are invalid if the King Farm citizen is delinquent). We recommend obtaining more than the required number to ensure you have enough.
*If you would like to drop off the documents, you can put the completed documents in the drop-box to the right of the front door of the Management Office (300 Saddle Ridge Circle).
Registering to Vote:
- As a reminder, All Citizen [resident] Titleholders of single-family homes, townhomes, and condominium units, as shown on the Assembly’s records, are automatically registered to vote.
- More information about registering to vote can be found on the website:
- UPDATE: Please note that non-resident Titleholders are NOT eligible to vote in the election per the governing documents.
- Non-titleholders must register ANNUALLY!
- All other persons who wish to vote, including tenants and other occupants of a King Farm residence who are not the record owners of the residence, are required to complete a Citizen Registration Form in order to register as Citizens with the Assembly and to vote in elections (registration forms can be found on the website).
- Citizen Registration Forms must be submitted by 12:00 pm, Monday, March 27th, 2023. You can submit your form to the Management Office via email at or by placing it in the drop box to the right of the front office door (300 Saddle Ridge Circle).
- All forms will be verified (signed lease, state issued driver’s license, and/or owner verification).
Please note: If you are NOT a Citizen Titleholder and have not registered by the deadline you are not permitted to vote in the election.
City & County Updates:
ncreased Car Break-ins – Tips from RCPD:
- Keep Your Vehicle Tidy – Thieves like to window shop! Avoid leaving anything visible in the car. Almost any item that’s visible from the outside – even if you think it is worthless – could be seen as valuable to a thief.
- Your spare change, sunglasses, even an empty bag (a thief may think there is something inside the bag) could be valuable in the mind of a thief.
- Keep valuables out of sight or store them inside your home. Purses, credit cards, and cell phones in plain view only help attract thieves.
- Secure Your Vehicle – Roll your car windows up all the way and engage the car alarm, but do not depend on it as the only way to deter a thief. A car thief can break into your car and be out in about 30 seconds, fast enough that an alarm doesn’t scare most of them away.
- Park Smart – If you have a garage, park your vehicle inside your garage and not on the street. Otherwise, park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
If you see a break-in in progress, call 911 immediately! Provide the 911 dispatcher with as much information as possible, such as:
- Location – Provide an address, block number, or specific location in a parking lot.
Description of the suspect – Provide as much information as you can, i.e. sex, race, age, height, weight, hair color and length, color and length of facial hair, colors and style of clothing, and identifying marks such as tattoos and piercings. - Direction – If the suspect flees, give the direction of travel. If they flee on a bicycle or in a vehicle, describe the color, make, model, and license plate number, if it is safe to do so!
- RockView Program – if you have a ring camera (or other front door/doorbell camera), you can register it with the RCPD. The RockView program allows residents and business owners to voluntary register their privately owned video security camera systems with the RCPD. Registration in the RockView program does not enable law enforcement to view camera footage without an owner’s permission. However, the RockView program will allow city police to quickly identify security cameras that may have captured criminal activity when a crime is reported nearby. For more information about the RockView program, visit the City of Rockville’s website for more information:
Presidents Day Brings Closures in Rockville
- City government, including City Hall and most city facilities, will be closed on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 20.
- Recycling and trash will be collected as usual on Monday, Feb. 20 and throughout the week. For more information on recycling and trash collection, visit or call 240-314-8568.
King Farm Neighbors Village News (KFNV)

Solicitation: King Farm Neighbors Village Seeking New Members for Board of Directors
The King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) seeks individuals to serve as members of the Board of Directors. The Board is a volunteer managing entity for the KFNV and works to develop, implement, and sustain activities that support the KFNV mission to help King Farm residents who would like to remain in their homes throughout their lives and age in place. The KFNV coordinates services such as friendly visits, check-in phone calls, social events, health and safety events and transportation.
Board members must be residents of King Farm and members of the KFNV. We are seeking individuals who are interested in the KFNV and its mission, who have experience germane to serving on the KFNV Board, and who are willing to commit a level of effort necessary to complete the duties of a KFNV Board member. Term of service for Board members is two years, beginning at the Annual Meeting held in April of each year.
If you are interested in joining the KFNV Board, please send a statement of interest and a brief bio to For more information about the KFNV see the website at
KFNV Events:
On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 from 10:00-11:30 am, Coffee and Conversation participants kept Valentine activities going by sharing their favorite Valentine memories and songs.
Future events for February and March are:
- On Thursday, February 23, 2023 from 7:00-9:00 pm, the KFNV will host its second Games Night. As with the inaugural Games Night in November, all sorts of games will be available to play, such as Scrabble, Scattergories, Yahtzee, Trivial Pursuit, Uno. This event is open to all members of the King Farm community. You do not have to be aKFNV member to participate. Because space is limited due to social distancing, please reserve your spot as soon as possible;
- On March 2, 2023 from 2:00-3:00 pm, KFNV Movie Club participants will review the 2017 biopic, Woman Walks Ahead, starring Jessica Chastain as Catherine Weldon, a portrait painter who leaves her home in Brooklyn, New York to travel to South Dakota to paint a portrait of Sitting Bull. The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score was 61%
- On March 9, 2023 from 12:30-2:00 pm, KFNV Book Club members will discuss the 2021 novel, Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout. In Oh William! readers return to the fictional town of Amgash, Illinois from Strout’s previous novel, My Name is Lucy Barton and Anything is Possible. Oh William! was a New York Times and IndieBound best seller.
**Please note that the KFNV has changed its monthly Movie Club, Book Club, Coffee and Conversation gatherings and highlight events to in-person meetings and has reserved the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850 for these events. In accordance with the policy adopted by the KFNV Board of Directors, people attending KFNV sponsored, in-person events must be vaccinated per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID recommendations. Wearing a mask is optional. In case of inclement weather and if there is time to notify participants, the KFNV may opt for a Zoom presentation for any meeting or event. Therefore, the KFNV will not be offering a hybrid option for any future events. Finally, the KFNV offers transportation to many of its monthly events for KFNV members. Please contact the Operations Coordinator at, or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104 to arrange for transportation.
The KFNV community services are in full-swing with KFNV services such as transportation to appointments and simple household chores being the most popular services. As one grateful recipient of transportation to an appointment raved:
- “Hi, (KFNV) (Volunteer 1) was delightful and did a great job shepherding me to and from. I was quite anxious about the procedure and, bless his heart, (Volunteer 1) kept an eye on me and kept me distracted. I hope (think) he might have enjoyed himself a bit too. He’s a retired dentist and my dentist conversed with him a bit. (Volunteer 1) even stayed at the dentist’s office until I was ready to go home!
- (Volunteer 2) was lovely. He (and all the volunteers) arrived on time, got me there in plenty of time (I like getting somewhere early rather than late.), and was there waiting. [I had let him know my appointments were running a bit late and we agreed (I’d) phone/text him when I was done.] Very thoughtful. Thanks very much, (Service Recipient)
Please feel free to avail yourself of this service as well as any of the following KFNV community services:
- Simple household tasks
- Friendly phone calls
- Transportation to appointments
- Friendly visits
*Please note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. See below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services as well as how to become a KFNV member.
Contacting the KFNV
For most of the KFNV monthly events as well as the services, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form with residency in the King Farm Community being the only membership requirement.
Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept. and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events.
For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service or a ride, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator by calling (301) 799-8104 or leaving a voicemail, or view the KFNV website at
RCPD News Report: February 07, 2023 to February 14, 2023
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850