Association News – Friday, April 22nd, 2022
2022 KFCA Annual Meeting and Election Reminder

WHAT: King Farm Annual Meeting of the Membership and Election
WHEN: Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
WHERE: Zoom Meeting (registration required).
Zoom Registration Link:
The King Farm Citizens Assembly (“Assembly”) will hold its Annual Meeting of the membership Wednesday, April 27th via Zoom meeting. To join, you must register for the meeting using the zoom link below or by visiting the King Farm website under ‘Zoom Links’. If you wish to speak during open forum, please email with your First/Last name, street address, and any other information/comments you wish to provide.
The primary purpose of the meeting is for presentation of the State of the Community report by the KFCA President and the election of two (2) Board of Trustees seats and one (1) KFCA President seat. The Treasurer will also provide a brief presentation on the current annual budget.
One (1) candidate, Paul Scott, is running for one the two (2) seats on the Board of Trustees. One (1) candidate, Barry Jackson, is running for KFCA President seat. All positions are two-year terms. Election results will be announced, and the newly elected members will be installed during the meeting. Candidate statements can be viewed on the King Farm website at or by requesting a hard copy from the Management Office.
Please note, as the candidates are running uncontested in the election, a candidate forum was not held this year. The Board of Trustees (BOT) will appoint a 5th member to the Board since no other candidates (other than those on the ballot) are running for the second open BOT seat.
Even though the election is uncontested, we still encourage and appreciate residents taking the time to cast their vote. Voting can be done quickly and easily by visiting the VoteHOANow e-voting portal at To vote, simply input the registration code found on the postcard you received and complete your ballot.
For questions about voting, please contact
Visit to register and vote online.
It’s Food Truck Friday

It’s Food Truck Friday, so head to the Saddle Ridge Community Center at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle between 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where Corned Beef Kingwill be parked and ready to serve you! If you would like to pre-order your meal, please visit this link.
See the list below for the upcoming schedule of when your favorite food trucks will be rolling into King Farm this month.
April Food Truck Friday Schedule:
- April 22 – Corned Beef King
- April 29 – Giacomo’s Brick Oven Pizza
King Farm Movies on the Lawn Returns
Bring a blanket or a lawn chair as King Farm movies on the lawn returns with this year’s Oscar winner for best animated film Disney’s Encanto playing on the big movie screen next Saturday, April 30, 2022.
The movie, rated PG, will start promptly at 8:30 p.m. on the Saddle Ridge Circle lawn area adjacent to the Saddle Ridge Community Center (300 Saddle Ridge Circle). In the event of rain, the movie will be rescheduled to a later date.
Pulte Section Paving Update – Work Scheduled for Tues. 04/26 – Thurs. 04/28
Please be advised that paving work will be completed in the Pulte section at the intersection of Shorthorn Way and Piccard Drive (and surrounding areas) on Tuesday 4/26 to Thursday 4/28 (weather permitting). All of Shorthorn Way and 1504 Piccard – 1524 Piccard will be affected by the paving work.
**Parking in these areas will not be permitted from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm (daily), until the work is completed.
Crews will place signage in the areas where parking will be prohibited, prior to the start of the work. Please be advised that cars will be towed or relocated to another area if they are in the way. If your vehicle gets towed/relocated, please contact Henry’s Towing at (301) 869-4800.
Please plan ahead and relocate vehicles to your garage or an alternate location to avoid being towed. We appreciate your cooperation! Please contact the Management Office with any questions by phone at 301-987-0122 or by email at
King Farm Pool & Amenities Update:

Saddle Ridge Pool & Bailey’s Commons Pool:
The King Farm Pools are scheduled to open on Saturday, May 28th, 2022 (weather permitting). Barring any mandated changes by the City, County, or State, the pools will operate under normal operations this season. Liability waivers, masks, social distancing and reservations will no longer be required.
*Please note – lifeguards and other patrons may opt to continue to social distance or wear masks, so please be considerate.
Fitness Center, Community Room, and Management Office:
As of April 1, 2022, King Farm community amenities reopened without COVID-19 restrictions. The Saddle Ridge Community Room returned to a maximum capacity of 100 persons (previously 50) and the fitness room resumed normal capacity and hours (4am-11pm).
The on-site King Farm Management Office is open for walk-ins. However, resident appointments are still preferred during regular business hours (Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-5:00pm / Fri. 8:30am-2:00pm). Please call 301-987- 0122 or e-mail for any assistance.
*staff members and contractors may opt to continue to social distance or wear masks, so please be considerate.
Police & Safety Conversation with the RCPD – Webinar Event
King Farm Citizens Assembly (KFCA) President, Barry Jackson, and the External Affairs committee hosted a virtual webinar event, Police & Safety Conversation with the RCPD, on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022. The Chief of Police for RCPD, Victor Brito, spoke during the event and he and his team provided the community with valuable insights regarding current crime statistics and other important topics surrounding the safety of King Farm.
Please use the link or click below to watch a recording of the webinar event.
Helpful Links:
- View City of Rockville crime statistics here:
- RCPD “RockView” security camera program:
Please see below for the contact information for the King Farm RCPD Liaison:
King Farm Police Liaison Lt. Jason West
Watch Commander, Field Services Bureau – Rockville City Police Department
2 W. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, Maryland 20850
P: 240-314-8378 (Office) E: JWest@RockvilleMD.Gov
King Farm Pedestrian Safety Survey – Deadline to Submit Survey/Responses is this Wed. 4/27!
On March 16th, King Farm held a conversation with the City of Rockville about various issues. One issue highlighted during the conversation was about pedestrian safety. The City of Rockville adopted a Vison Zero Action Plan in 2020 to address pedestrian safety concerns within the City with the goal of eliminating traffic-related fatal and serious injuries by 2030.
The City of Rockville Traffic and Transportation Department would like King Farm residents to provide specific locations of concern within King Farm. Keep in mind that lights on MD 355 and Shady Grove Road are owned and operated by the County. **The City is aware of the concerns on MD 355 and Shady Grove Road, but those require coordination with the County and will take more time.
Please use this link to complete a survey on pedestrian safety within King Farm:
*The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday 4/27/22.
Upcoming King Farm Shred Event – Sunday, April 24th
On Sunday, April 24th from 10:00am – 12:00 pm, King Farm Citizens Assembly will host a shred event in the Saddle Ridge parking lot behind the pool at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. This is a free shred event sponsored by Lynda Knapp of The Powers Team with Long & Foster with shred services provided by Clean Cut Shredding.
Bring your old papers, documents, and any other files/paper materials to get shredded. This is also a great way to participate in Earth Day. For questions, please contact Lynda Knapp by phone at (240) 246-6483 or email at

King Farm Fitness Center – Friendly Reminder
The fitness center is open again under regular operating hours and capacity (Daily, 4:00 am -11:00 pm) and we would like to remind residents of a few tips to ensure an enjoyable visit:
- Please do not open gym windows! The Fitness Center has heat and air conditioning, so opening windows is not necessary nor permitted.
- If you have a concern about the thermostat, please contact Management during regular office hours by phone (301) 987-0122 or email at, and we would be happy to assist!
- If you have a concern about the thermostat, please contact Management during regular office hours by phone (301) 987-0122 or email at, and we would be happy to assist!
- Wipe down equipment after each use! Please be courteous to other patrons and wipe down equipment after each use. Treat the fitness center like you would treat your home and do not leave any personal items, trash, etc. behind.
- Do not tamper with machines/equipment. Report any damaged machinery/equipment to Management immediately! Please do not try to repair it yourself.
- No food or drinks, except for bottled water.
- Please wear appropriate fitness attire. No bare feet, sandals, or boots allowed.
- Be courteous and respectful! Please treat your neighbors with respect while using the fitness center.
For any questions about the fitness center, please contact Management.
PeaceJam Mid-Atlantic Peace Festival – Sunday, April 24, 2022
Please find attached the Public Statement of the Event. This event is free and open to the public. Read more below.
Join us on April 24, 2022, for an afternoon of inspiration and action featuring Kailash Satyarthi, 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate and Children’s Rights Activist, local youth leaders and community nonprofits. The PeaceJam Mid-Atlantic Peace Festival is a community celebration of peace, service, and compassion, and is designed to inspire young leaders to serve as peacemakers in their school, local, and global communities. The Peace Festival is the third and final day of the PeaceJam Mid-Atlantic Youth Conference Weekend. The Festival will consist of a youth-led series of service projects, a Peace Fair featuring local nonprofits, and a rally and march led by Kailash Satyarthi.
County & City Updates:
City of Rockville:
- FROM THE CITY OF ROCKVILLE — YARD WASTE COLLECTION ADVISORYDue to staffing shortages, City of Rockville customers may experience delays in curbside yard waste collections.
- Please leave yard waste at the curb and it will be collected as soon as possible.
- Do not remove yard waste if it has not been collected.
- Having yard waste at the curb will help crews assess collection needs and make plans to catch up as soon as possible, including collecting on Friday and Saturday.
The city is working to bring staffing levels back to where we can once again resume regularly scheduled collections. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
King Farm Neighbors Village News (KFNV)
The King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) yesterday evening hosted in the King Farm Community Center its first in-person event — Back to the Future: Reconnecting in Person Again — the KFNV annual Board of Directors (Board) meeting. It was wonderful to gather together in-person with many KFNV members as well as neighbors from the King Farm community. A much-needed celebration of the KFNV community was had by all as neighbors reconnected with neighbors.
In May, the KFNV is jumping back into the future with the restarting of its community services. Specifically, on May 1st, the KFNV will resume the following services:
1. Transportation to appointments,
2. Friendly phone calls,
3. Friendly visits, and
4. One new service: Simple household tasks
*As with KFNV services in the past, services are provided to KFNV members only. Please see below for how to easily join the KFNV.
Besides the resumption of services, the KFNV in May is hosting the following monthly events:
- Movie Club on Thursday, May 5th from 2:00 -3:00 pm where the movie Being the Ricardos, starring Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem will be reviewed; and
- Book Club on Thursday, May 12th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm where Book Club participants will discuss the historical fiction novel, The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes.
Please note: These activities will be presented in a hybrid fashion—i.e., both in-person and virtually. Specifically, the KFNV has reserved the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850 for these in-person meetings. In accordance with policy adopted by the KFNV Board, people attending KFNV sponsored, in-person events must be vaccinated per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID recommendations. Wearing a mask is optional. For those unable to join in-person, the KFNV will offer a Zoom option.
Please take a look at the KFNV Blog under the News section of the KFNV website for articles about events as well as news relevant to the KFNV community. Also, both the Movie Club and Book Club welcome new members. Please see below for KFNV membership details.
How to Contact KFNV:
For most of our monthly events, membership is required; but membership is free and as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form. We do, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. For information on how to register for any of the above events, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Member Coordinators at, leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104, or view the KFNV website at
RCPD News Report: April 12, 2022 to April 19, 2022
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
RCPD Crime Tips: During War, Be Mindful of Charity Scams
The ongoing war and refugee crisis in eastern Europe presents a prime opportunity for fraudsters to pose as a charity and obtain your money on false pretenses.
If you’re contacted for funds concerning humanitarian relief on email, text, or phone:
- Ask for detailed information about the charity, including address and phone number.
- Look up the charity through their website or a trusted third-party source to confirm that the charity is real. is a good, free resource to obtain information about nonprofits.
- Follow your gut – your instincts are more accurate than you may think. If you don’t feel comfortable and if a donation doesn’t feel right, don’t contribute.
If you’ve become aware of a fraud or a scam, you can submit a complaint online with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):