Board & Committee Zoom Meeting Registration Links:
King Farm will continue to offer a virtual option for attending various committee meetings. BOT and ADT meetings will continue to be held virtually in lieu of in-person meetings. BOCC Regular meetings are held in hybrid format unless otherwise noted. BOCC Hearings are held virtually. Meetings are for King Farm Titleholders and Citizens only. Registrants will be verified to ensure participants are titleholders/citizens.
To join a Zoom meeting, you must first register. As part of the registration process, registrants must submit their name, King Farm street address, email, select yes or no if they would like to speak, and provide the topic they wish to share about. All registrants signed up for open forum will be allotted 3 minutes to address the BOT. After the open forum has ended, please refrain from using the chat feature in Zoom.
After the meeting is called to order, any registrants that have signed up for open forum will be given 3 minutes (each) to address the Board/Committee. After the open forum has ended, please refrain from using the chat feature in Zoom and keep yourself on mute to avoid unnecessary background noise.
If you need assistance registering for a virtual meeting or if you decided you would like to sign-up for open forum after completing your registration, please contact Management by phone (301) 987-0122 or by email at
Upcoming Board and Committee Meetings:
ADT Meetings – refer to committee page about review of applications. COMPLETE Applications must be submitted by the 20th of the current month for review before the next ADT meeting.
BOCC Hearings – held in executive session (closed), but decisions are included in the meeting minutes.
BOT Executive Session – closed session for legal matters, personnel matters, business negotiations, delinquencies (individual accounts), and other items permitted in the MD Homeowners Association Act.
Any changes to meeting dates/times will be reflected on the Zoom registration page. When you click the zoom link, you will have the option to pre-register for any upcoming meetings using the dropdown menu.
Board/Committee | Date/Time | Zoom Link | Notes |
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN TRUST (ADT) *All meetings are held at 4:30pm | Next ADT Meeting: March 12, 2025 | | *Register for open forum in advance. Visit this link for more info: |
BOARD OF CODE COMPLIANCE (BOCC) *All meetings are held at 7:00pm | Next Regular BOCC Meeting: April 21, 2025 | | *Regular Meetings are Open Sessions. *Register for open forum in advance. Visit this link for more info: |
HEARINGS MEETINGS Board of Code Compliance (BOCC) *Scheduled as needed *All meetings are held at 7:00pm | *Hearings Meetings are Closed Sessions. *Register for open forum in advance. | ||
BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) | Next BOT Meeting: March 19, 2025 6:30 pm | | *Register for open forum in advance. Visit this link for more info: |
BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE | TBA | *Register for open forum in advance. Visit this link for more info: | |
ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION | April 23, 2025 | | Registration Required: |