Guidelines for Yard Plantings – Bushes, Shrubs, and Foundation Plantings
Please use these guidelines for replacing or repairing one of these items on your property. Any time you alter or change the existing condition in any way, it requires a design review application. Provided that you make these changes for repair or maintenance, then a DRA is not required.
- Owner shall keep each Lot owned by such Owner, and all improvements therein or thereon, in good order and repair and free of debris in a manner and with such frequency as is consistent with good property management and the Community-Wide Standard as established by this Standard.
- Plantings, hedges, trees, bushes that cross public pedestrian pathways from the ground surface up to 7′ shall be considered an obstruction.
- Please reference Equity Resolution No. 9 and Equity Resolution No. 6 for more information.
Yard Plantings – Installation, Replacements & Removal:
Three (3+) or more bushes (included as part of a hedge) added, replaced or removed, requires submission of a DRA for review and approval by the Community Architect and ADT.
Sample Landscaping Designs and Shrub List:
Please see the attached file to view sample foundation plantings and images.
Foundation Bed Plantings (flowers, shrubs, bushes, etc.):
- Vegetation and plantings at the foundation of the home shall be maintained through normal and routine seasonal measures.
- Flowers and shrubs should be trimmed and pruned to avoid an unkempt appearance, or hazard.
- Portions of beds not covered by plantings are to be covered by mulch.
- Foundation bed areas should be kept free of weeds.
*Change, removal, or addition to a foundation planting bed detached from building must be submitted for review and approval through the Design Review Application process.

Bushes & Hedges:
- Vegetation in front, side, or any portion of lot visible from street shall be maintained through normal and routine seasonal measures.
- Hedges should be trimmed and pruned to avoid an unkempt appearance or hazard.
- Bed areas should be kept free of weeds.
- No hedge shall obstruct pathways, sidewalks, or site lines necessary for pedestrian or automotive safety.
*Change, removal, or addition of plants to form a hedge shall be submitted for review and approval through the Design Review Application process.

Yard Plantings (Detached from Foundation):
- Vegetation in front, side, or any portion of lot visible from street or alley shall be maintained through normal and routine seasonal measures.
- Flowers and shrubs should be trimmed and pruned to avoid an unkempt appearance or hazard.
- Portions of beds not covered by plantings are recommended to be covered by mulch.
- Bed areas should be kept free of weeds.
- No plant shall obstruct pathways, sidewalks, or site lines necessary for pedestrian or automotive safety.
*Change, removal, or addition to a planting bed detached from building must be submitted for review and approval through the Design Review Application process.