Guidelines for Tree Replacement and Removal:
Please refer to the Tree Replacement Memo guidelines (see below) for tree removal/replacement on your property. Any time you alter or change the existing condition in any way, it requires a design review application. If the tree is dead, dying, or severely damaged, a removal can be made without a DRA. However, replacements MUST follow the requirements outlined in the tree memo from the Community Architect. If you do not wish to replace the tree, you must submit a Design Review Application and obtain approval from the Architectural Design Trust (ADT).
Tree Removal:
Whose tree is it? Just because a tree is in the alley and outside of your lot fence, that does not necessarily mean that it is an association tree; most homeowner lots extend to the alley. The fence is placed before the alley drive lane, but the foot or two of space outside of the fence is generally part of the homeowner lot. Please check your property plat to verify your property line. While the association mulches alley trees regardless of location, KFCA is only responsible for the maintenance and replacement of common area trees. The general maintenance replacement of trees on homeowner lots is a homeowner responsibility.
If you have a live tree on your property that you would like to remove, a Design Review Application is required. Please complete the DRA and include all of the required information, including: your property plat, location of the tree(s), reason for removal, picture(s) of the current tree, the contractor you will use to remove the tree, and proposed replacement.
Once you receive approval, determine if you need to obtain a ‘Tree Removal Permit‘ from The City of Rockville: Significant Tree Removal Permit
Please visit the DNR website or click the button above to view a list of tree experts and arborists in the Rockville area.
Tree Removal/Replacement Memo From The Community Architect:
If you are going to remove any tree from your lot that is NOT dying or diseased, then you will need to replace the tree with one or several types of replacement plantings.
When a resident proposes removal of a tree “with a diameter in excess of 4 inches, measured 12 inches above the ground, or flowering tree in excess of 2 inches” per Equity Resolution No. 1 & No. 6, the removal shall be mitigated by one or more of the following:
- Planting an identical species tree in the same or alternate location.
- Planting another species/alternate tree (i.e. compact/smaller species tree) in the same or alternate location.
- Planting several medium/large size shrub(s) or similar landscaping in the same location.
- Planting a group of small shrubs (cluster planting of 3 shrubs or more) in the same location.
New/Replacement trees and shrubs shall meet the following criteria:
- Size: Size shall be equal or larger than that required by the home builders at initial construction.
- Small shrubs shall be 24-30” tall at time of planting.
- Medium/large shrubs shall be 30-36” tall at time of planting.
- Trees shall be 6-8’ tall at time of planting.
- Invasive Species: Trees and shrubs shall be selected to avoid those found on Rockville and Maryland Department of Agriculture Invasive Species of Concern in Maryland invasive species list:
Please click here to read the full Tree Memo.
Homeowner Tree Guide and Maintenance:
Per Equity Resolution No. 6: Trees in front, side or any portion of lot visible from street shall be maintained through normal and routine seasonal measures. Please view the Tree Maintenance/Replacement Responsibility document for more information.
- No tree shall obstruct pathways, sidewalks, or site lines necessary for pedestrian or automotive safety or as may be determined by the ADT.
- Trees should be trimmed and pruned to avoid an unkempt appearance or hazard.
- Apron or bed around a tree or adjacent trees not covered by grass or plantings is recommended to be covered by mulch.
- Bed areas should be kept free of weeds.
- No live trees with a diameter in excess of 4″, measured 12″ above ground, or flowering trees in excess of 2″ similarly measured may be removed from a Lot without application to and approval by the Community Architect and the ADT through a DRA.
- One tree may be added to a single-family house lot without submitting a design review application.
- A letter must be submitted to management notifying them of the tree installation.
- No live trees may be removed from the Community Property without application to and approval by the City;
- in accordance with the City’s Forest and Tree Preservation Ordinance and;
- any conservation easements that may now or hereafter be granted by the City in connection with afforestation.