
King Farm Trash Removal & Recycling

The City of Rockville provides once-per-week curbside recycling, trash, and yard waste collections for single-family homes and townhouses in the community. Apartments and condominiums are not serviced by the City of Rockville. For condominium/apartment trash and recycling questions, please contact the appropriate property manager for your condominium or apartment.

Please Note: Trash and recycling billing is automatically added to each resident’s Montgomery County property tax bill.

TRASH COLLECTION DAY: Regular refuse and recycling are collected on THURSDAYS for King Farm residents.

For updates regarding the City of Rockville and trash collection, please visit the Management E-Mail Bulletin page on our website.

Tips on Waste Collection:

Place brown recycling and gray refuse carts at the curb or alleyway the night before collection, but NO later than 6:00 AM on collection day & removed within 24-hours. Trash Containers MUST be stored in garages, fenced areas or away from open view on non-collection days. Homes that do not have either a garage or approved shed must store their trash containers either inside the home or as close as possible to the rear wall of the alley or rear side of the home on non-collection days.

  • Make sure your cart is not blocking mailboxes, lids are closed, and wheels are to the curb.
  • Do not overflow refuse carts.
  • Plastic bags go into the gray trash cart.
  • Plastic bags can be recycled in nearby grocery stores.
  • Recycling is placed in the brown carts.
  • Do not put recyclable materials in the refuse cart.
  • Place pest-infested yard waste and invasive plant species in the trash cart.

** Animal disposal is collected by Animal Control by calling 240-314-8930.

** Explosives and ammunition is collected by Rockville Police by calling 240-314-8900

Bulk Trash Collection:

Rockville provides special bulk waste collections by appointment ONLY.  Alternatively, you can drop off bulk waste at the Montgomery County Transfer Station.

  • Bulk waste collections are for large waste that does not fit into carts, such as a couch or desk.
  • Bulk Refuse Items may include: metal, household hazardous waste, electronics, furniture, debris, etc.

Please call the City of Rockville at 240-314-8568, email recyclingrefuse@rockvillemd.gov, or complete this form to schedule an appointment for a bulk pick-up.

  • Once you contact the City, they will let you know your pick up date. On the pick up date, Place items at the curb by 6 a.m. in an unobstructed area that is away from parked cars, tree limbs, fire hydrants and overhead wires. 
  • Collections are limited to less than 500 pounds and 60 cubic feet.
  • Limited to six special bulk waste collections per household each calendar year.

Branches and Yard Waste:

Yard waste is collected on THURSDAY (collection day).

After you have performed any landscaping clean-up or general lot maintenance and you have yard waste to dispose of, please follow the guidelines below for disposal. Rockville provides weekly yard waste collections (on collection day). Trees and other brush larger than 8′ long and 2′ in diameter must be scheduled.

  • Place yard waste in biodegradable paper lawn bags or 32-gallon trash cans (weight must be less than 50 pounds).
  • Do NOT use any plastic bags.
  • Yard waste is collected at the curb only (not alleyways)
  • Place in an unobstructed area by 6:00 AM.
  • Branches should be placed in a pile on the ground.
  • Do NOT dump any yard waste or leaves in storm drains.

Special Appointments:

  • Large trees and piles of branches may require special equipment and require a special collections appointment.
  • Large, storm-related debris will be collected by the city but may take several weeks for crews to collect throughout the city.

Missed Collection?

If your recycling, trash, or yard waste was not collected, you can report a missed collection online or by calling 240-314-8568. There are a number of reasons why your recycling, trash, or yard waste may have been missed:

  • Special Holiday: During holiday weeks, the collection could be delayed by one day depending on your pickup day.
  • Unaccepted Items: If items are in the recycling or trash carts that are not accepted by the City the waste will not be collected.
  • Cart exceeded the limit: The maximum allowable weight is 165 pounds and the lid must be able to close.

Back Door Collections:

  • Residents who are either temporarily or permanently unable to move their carts to the curb can apply for back door service. *Residents must re-apply for this service each year.

Request or Exchange a Cart:

  • The City of Rockville provides residents with carts, which are available in four sizes. Residents with city provided carts are responsible for their maintenance and care. Carts must be returned when you move out. *To return a cart, call 240-314-8568.

Report a Yard Waste Collection Concern: