Original Color Schemes By Builder Guide:

- Click here to view the original color palettes by each builder.
- The following collections of color schemes and color palettes have been compiled from available records of original builder construction palettes to assist Homeowners in the maintenance and selection of paint and color palettes for their homes.
- The color schemes and palettes are intended to offer guidance.
- KFCA does NOT have records of the original materials used (such as roof shingles or shutter color) for each home in the community.
- This guide is to assist with making repairs/replacements.
How to Use this Guide to Identify the Original Materials/Colors Used For Your Home:
- You can determine the builder of your home by referring to your settlement documents (property plat)
or using the King Farm Community Map. - The color scheme guide is organized by builder.
- When the original construction took place, the various builders each had different color schemes for sections of the neighborhood.
- Each color scheme provides the brick type, trim type,
- If you are repainting any of the exterior home items and you are unsure of what color to select, you may chip off a small sample of the existing paint and bring it to any home improvement retailer (ie Home Depot or Lowes) and request that they color match the paint sample.
- Additionally, you may refer to the Color Scheme Document or various color palettes within the resident portal documents and select the appropriate color based on your home type and builder.
*Please Note:
- The color scheme information attached and shown here is provided for homeowner use.
- This information is believed to be accurate to the best of the Assembly’s knowledge and belief for the time of original construction.
- HOWEVER, paint and material manufacturers change product formulations, material, and color lines and some information may become outdated.
- The Assembly does not warrant the information and it should be used by Assembly members with this in mind.
Please use this link to view the full-size version of the map. Find your home on the map and then use the map key for reference to determine the home builder.