Association News – Friday, December 30, 2022
Management Office Closed – Monday 01/02/23

Wishing everyone a safe and joyous holiday season from the Management Office!
Management Office Closures:
The King Farm Management Office will be closed Monday, January 2nd, 2023 in Observance of New Years Day.
Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 (8:30 am — 5:00 pm).
King Farm Shuttle Bus – No Holiday Service:
Please note that the King Farm Shuttle will not provide service on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Upcoming King Farm Board & Committee Meetings
- Architectural Design Trust (ADT)
- Wednesday 01/11/2023 – 4:30 PM
- Applications are due by Wednesday 01/04/22 in order to be reviewed during the January meeting.
- Board of Trustees (BOT)
- Wednesday 01/18/2023 – 7:30 PM
- Wednesday 01/18/2023 – 7:30 PM
- Board of Code Compliance (BOCC)
- Tuesday 01/03/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- Wednesday 01/04/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- Monday 01/09/2023 – 7:00 PM (regular meeting)
- Tuesday 01/10/2023 – 7:00 PM (covenants hearing)
- External Affairs (EA)
- Thursday 01/05/2023 – 7:30 PM
- Thursday 01/05/2023 – 7:30 PM
- KFCA Table Talk (in-person)
- Wednesday 01/25/2023 – 7:00 PM
King Farm meetings are held virtually. Residents can find the Zoom registration links for all upcoming King Farm Board of Trustees and Committee meetings online by visiting King Farm website on the “Zoom Meeting Links” page. To attend the Zoom meetings, you must register in advance. Each meeting will have an open forum for residents to ask questions or make comments (limited to 3 minutes speaking time per resident). If you would like to speak during open forum, please provide the topic you will be speaking about.
**If you need assistance registering for a virtual meeting and for all other questions, please contact Management by phone (301) 987-0122 or by email at
New Monthly Assessment Starts January 1, 2023
The 2023 budget was approved during the November 16th Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting. Beginning January 1st, 2023, the following assessment fees will take effect.
- Single-Family Homes and Townhomes (not in Phase 4) – $123.52
- Townhomes in Phase 4 (Michael Harris Townhomes and Pulte Townhomes) – $131.62
For budget information, visit the internal documents under KFCA Budgets to view the approved 2023 Budget or click here. Residents can also visit the King Farm website to view the budget:
There continues to be confusion if assessments are paid through direct debit or through the homeowner’s bank account. Please check your bank to see if recurring payments are being sent. If payments are being sent from your bank, you must change the monthly amount being paid and the mailing address. Verify that you have updated this information in your bank account.
You must change the mailing address if the monthly assessment is paid using:
- Your bank’s bill pay system
OR - Mailed using a paper check (with or without a coupon)
The New Mailing Address is:
King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc.
P.O. Box 37924, Charlotte, NC 28237-7924
We encourage residents to sign up for direct debit due to service delays with the post office. The monthly assessment is automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Your payment is made on time without the hassle of writing or mailing checks! Funds will be withdrawn between the 5th and the 10th of the month. *Please be advised that the application form must be received by the 20th of the current month to be effective for the next month’s fee. You do not have to worry about changing amounts or late fees (unless there are insufficient funds).
To sign up for direct debit, complete and sign the authorization form and return it to Comsource Management via email at and copy; by fax to 301-924-7340, or via mail to 3414 Morningwood Drive, Olney, MD 20832 . Click here to download the application form.
Proposed New/Amended Resolutions For Community/BOT Review:
During the January 18th, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, the BOT will review and vote on the following resolution:
- King Farm Investment Policy – Amended
You can view a copy of any recently adopted resolutions within the FrontSteps Resident Portal under the ‘Internal Documents’. Navigate to the folder 2. Governing Documents / Administrative Resolutions (or Equity Resolutions). To view proposed amendments to existing resolutions or proposed new resolutions, navigate to folder 2. Governing Documents / 1 – Draft Resolutions.
*If you do not have access to the resident portal, please contact Management for assistance or to obtain copies of these documents.
Comments and questions regarding proposed resolutions should be sent to Management will pass along comments to the BOT prior to the next meeting.
KFCA Table Talk Returns January 25th at 7:00 pm
The Board of Trustees (BOT), KFCA President, and Management are providing an opportunity for residents and owners to have discussions with the KFCA Leadership and Management in an informal setting. These are not formal meetings, so the entire BOT will not be present, and no board decisions will be made. There will be 1 or 2 members of the BOT, the KFCA President, and the General Manager and/or management staff present. The format is a 1-hour open forum to allow a free-flowing dialogue of various topics presented by the attendees. However, depending on the number of participants, the format may be adjusted.
This event will be held in person at the Community Center (300 Saddle Ridge Circle). Management will place notices in the Chronicle (when dates are known in advance) and included in Management’s Friday email blasts. However, you are always welcome to schedule an appointment with the General Manager ( or the President (
If you have questions, please email
Exterior Seasonal Decorations Reminder
Exterior seasonal holiday decorations (i.e., exterior lights, displays, wreaths, etc.) which are attractive, in good taste, and reasonable in size, number, color, and luminosity are permitted as long as decorations are not placed upon a Lot/Living Unit 30 days prior to the holiday and must be removed 21 days after the holiday (provided that such decorations do not conflict with any applicable design standard).
City & County Updates:

Post-Christmas ‘Tree-tment’: An At-Home Way to Recycle Holiday Trees:
- Curbside Collection: Rockville collects Christmas trees as part of its recycling collection. Place trees at the curb for pickup on regular recycling and trash collection days after removing all ornaments and metals, wires, stands and decorations, including tinsel.
- Trees should not be bagged. There is no deadline for curbside collection of trees.
- Repurposing Your Tree: While the Montgomery County Recycling Center, which formerly converted the trees into mulch, no longer offers this service, the county recommends recycling branches and needles at home by using them as ground cover under trees and shrubs or by chopping them up and adding them to a compost pile.
- Artificial Trees: Artificial trees cannot be recycled and should be placed in the gray trash cart for regular weekly collection.
- Artificial trees that are too large to fit in the cart can be collected by appointment as one of six bulk collections allowed per year or taken to the transfer station. For bulk-waste disposal information, visit
Christmas and New Year’s Holiday Weekends Bring Closures in Rockville:
- City government and city facilities will be closed for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. All city facilities will be closed Sundays, Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.
- Recycling and trash will occur as usual during these holiday weeks. For more information on recycling and trash collection, visit or call 240-314-8568.
- City Hall and many facilities will be closed Mondays, Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, including the Rockville Senior Center and fitness room; Croydon Creek Nature Center; the Rockville Skate Park (which will also be closed Saturdays, Dec. 24 and 31); Glenview Mansion; the Rockville Civic Center business office; and the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre box office. For theater tickets, visit
- Read more here:
King Farm Neighbors Village News (KFNV)

KFNV Events:
Going forward in 2023, the KFNV has the following events planned for January:
- On Thursday, January 5, 2023 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm, the KFNV Movie Club will meet to discuss the movie, Denial, a 2016 biographical film that dramatizes the Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. case, in which Deborah Lipstadt, a Holocaust scholar, was sued by Holocaust denier David Irving for libel. Denial stars Rachel Weisz and is available on Amazon Prime;
- On Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm, the KFNV Book Club will discuss the book, We Are Not Like Them by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza. The novel, “We Are Not Like Them tackles tough issues like race, brutality, and class with unflinching honesty and empathy, and will be a big hit with book clubs.” Business Insider;
- On Wednesday, January 18, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30 am, Coffee and Conversation participants will share memories of their favorite childhood winter activity. As usual, photographs and memorabilia to accompany the memory are welcome; and
- On Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 4:00-5:15 pm, KFNV will host its monthly highlight presentation, Brain Health Is for All Ages! by Maureen Charlton, Director of Memory Support Services and Programming at Ingleside at King Farm. The KFNV invites all members of the King Farm Community to this interactive discussion as we explore the concept of brain health. Learn some evidence-based strategies and practical tools to boost your brain health. You do not have to be a KFNV member to participate in this event.
**Please note that the KFNV has changed its monthly Movie Club, Book Club, Coffee and Conversation gatherings and highlight events to in-person meetings and has reserved the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850 for these events. In accordance with the policy adopted by the KFNV Board of Directors, people attending KFNV sponsored, in-person events must be vaccinated per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID recommendations. Wearing a mask is optional. In case of inclement weather and if there is time to notify participants, the KFNV may opt for a Zoom presentation for any meeting or event. Therefore, the KFNV will not be offering a hybrid option for any future events. Finally, the KFNV offers transportation to many of its monthly events for KFNV members. Please contact the Operations Coordinator at, or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104 to arrange for transportation.
The KFNV community services are in full-swing and receiving rave reviews from service recipients:
- “I would also like to thank (the KFNV volunteer) for taking me to Safeway last week so I could do my grocery shopping. My children have been doing it for me since my knee surgery and it felt so good to be able to do it myself. Thanks to all your volunteers.”
- “Thank you so much for your help. The two gentlemen came, and it was such a relief that I didn’t need to climb the ladder! Wonderful, wonderful service.”
Please feel free to avail yourself of this service as well as any of the following KFNV community services:
- Simple household tasksFriendly phone callsTransportation to appointmentsFriendly visits
*Please note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. See below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services as well as how to become a KFNV member.
Contacting the KFNV
For most of the KFNV monthly events as well as the services, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form with residency in the King Farm Community being the only membership requirement.
Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept. and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events.
For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service or a ride, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator by calling (301) 799-8104 or leaving a voicemail, or view the KFNV website at
Happy New Year!
The Board of Directors for King Farm Neighbors Village thanks the King Farm Community (Community) for your support and friendship in 2022 and wishes the Community a very happy 2023 full of good health and many wonderful memory-making events with family and friends—some of which we hope will be KFNV events.
Cheers to 2023!
RCPD News Report: December 20, 2022 to December 27, 2022
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
RCPD Safety Tips: Plan A Safe Ride Home This New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve remains one of the most dangerous times on America’s roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reminds us that a single DUI could set you back $10,000 in attorney’s fees, fines, court costs, lost time at work, higher insurance rates, car towing, and more.
The Regional Alcohol Problem is again offering a free safe ride home every night from 10:00 pm until 4:00 am until Sunday, January 1st, 2023 via Lyft.
Download the Lyft app and enter the DECEMBERSAFE22 in the app’s ‘Promo’ section for up to $15 off one ride taken home in the DC coverage area until New Year’s Eve and, after 9:00 pm on December 31st, you may visit for a new code. (
If you see someone on the road who you believe is driving impaired,
call 9-1-1. Your actions could help save someone’s life.