Association News – Friday, December 16, 2022
November-December 2022 Issue of The King Farm Chronicle
The November/December edition of the King Farm Chronicle is here. Please visit our website under Stay Informed / King Farm Chronicle to read past editions (
King Farm Santa Photos Now Available
Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the holiday party with Santa and friends last Saturday! If you had your photos taken with Santa, please CLICK HERE to access the photo gallery of Santa photos. The password to download the free photos is KFHoliday. Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the celebration and donated a toy to the toy donation drive.
2nd Virtual Conversation with the City Event
On Wednesday, December 14th, 2022, the KFCA External Affairs Committee hosted a virtual Conversation with the City of Rockville and had a great resident turnout. KFCA welcomed various representatives and staff from the Rockville City Police Department, Recreation & Parks, Traffic & Transportation, and Public Works Departments as well as members from the Mayor and Council.
Representatives from the City provided valuable updates and information regarding topics that impact King Farmers. Please visit the website or click the link below to view the recorded webinar.
Below are some important links from City representatives that were shared with participants during the webinar.
- City Budget Input – Please complete the Budget Survey for Fiscal Year 2024:
- RockView program – If you have a doorbell camera, and would like to register it, please visit:
- The RockView program allows residents and business owners to voluntary register their privately owned video security camera systems with the RCPD. Registration is voluntary.
- No cost associated with registering.
- Registering does not provide the RCPD with direct access to a camera.
- Community members can opt-out at any time.
- Traffic Hazards – Please send any comments about traffic hazards to and
- Pedestrian Safety Concerns – There are several ways to report a concern. Here is the link to Report a Concern:
- There is also a pedestrian masterplan underway and input can be provided at: You can use the City Website to “Report a Concern” on a City Street or call 240-314-8567 for any pothole or other hazard.
- Metro Responsibility (weeds/trash/etc.) – WMATA is responsible. Please contact and he will relay issues/concerns to WMATA.
- Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI) – REDI has a newsletter that goes out. If you want to stay abreast on resources and events, please sign up for their newsletter. Visit their website, scroll to the bottom and sign up.
2023 Approved Budget Info
The 2023 budget was approved during the November 16th Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting. The budget letter and additional documents were mailed on November 25th and should be arriving to your doorsteps shortly. The mailer includes the following items:
- 2023 Budget Letter (1 page)
- King Farm Treasurer Letter (1 page)
- 2023 Approved Budget (2 pages)
- Resolutions Update (1 page)
- Direct Debit Form (1 page)
- *for single family and townhomes only – condominium owners should contact their respective management company.
- Owner/Tenant Contact Update Form (1 Page)
- This is also a great time to confirm and provide updated contact information (off-site mailing address, email address, and phone number) for owners and tenants to the Management Office. To update your information, complete the online form here.
Questions and comments should be sent to or by calling 301-987-0122 (press ext. 1 or 2). Please visit the internal documents under KFCA Budgets to view the approved 2023 Budget or click here. Residents can also visit the King Farm website to view the budget:

Address Change for Monthly Assessments – This Change Does Not Apply to Individual Condominium Owners
Effective immediately (December 2022 payments and future payments) — If you mail your monthly assessments or use your bank’s bill pay system, change the mailing address to the following:
King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc.
P.O. Box 37924, Charlotte, NC 28237-7924
This P.O. Box accepts checks with or without a coupon. However, please ensure that the account number and property address are printed legibly on the check. **Please note, if you mailed your December 2022 payment to the old P.O. Box, your payment will get redirected to the new address. The mailing address is the ONLY change. Neither the management company (Comsource), nor individual account numbers have changed.
A mailing was sent out with the approved 2023 budget and those who are not on direct debit will be receiving coupon books for 2023 shortly. Coupon books are mailed only to owners NOT participating in direct debit. If you receive a coupon book, you are paying through your bank or other option.
Due to increased delays with the mail service, we encourage residents to sign up for direct debit. ACH (direct debit) pays your assessment automatically from your checking or savings account. Your payment is made on time without the hassle of writing or mailing checks! ACH is a free service to pay your assessments on a “per assessment” basis. Direct payments will be initiated for withdrawal between the 5th and the 10th of the month. *Please be advised that the application form must be received by the 20th of the current month in order to be effective for the next months fee. You do not have to worry about changing amounts or late fees (unless there are insufficient funds).
To sign up for ACH, complete and sign the authorization form and return it to Comsource Management via email at and copy; by fax to 301-924-7340, or via mail to 3414 Morningwood Drive, Olney, MD 20832 . Click here to download the application form.
Update on Wait List for King Farm Community Garden
The King Farm Community Garden, located in Farmstead Park on Grand Champion Drive, has requested the City of Rockville to fund an expansion of the garden to accommodate the huge demand for plots. The city is considering the 2023 budget and will be deciding among a number of priority items.
The garden wait list had to be discontinued last spring, as it was so long. Thirty-eight people are currently on the waiting list with the oldest application dating to May 2021. The garden has continued to get requests for plots, even while the wait list was closed. The garden is again taking names for the wait list.
To be placed on the waiting list for a future plot, please complete the online form at:
King Farm Community Garden communicates by email, so applicants need to check email frequently. The word “garden” will be in the reference line.
King Farm Neighbors Village News (KFNV)

KFNV Services:
Two more testimonials for the King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) community services:
- I would also like to thank (the KFNV volunteer) for taking me to Safeway last week so I could do my grocery shopping. My children have been doing it for me since my knee surgery and it felt so good to be able to do it myself. Thanks to all your volunteers.
- Thank you so much for your help. The two gentlemen came, and it was such a relief that I didn’t need to climb the ladder! Wonderful, wonderful service.
Please feel free to avail yourself of all of the community services offered by KFNV:
- Simple household tasks;
- Friendly phone calls,
- Transportation to appointments, and
- Friendly visits
**Please note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. See below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services as well as how to become a KFNV member.
The last 2022 KFNV event was held on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, where Coffee and Conversation participants met in the King Farm Community Center from 10:00 -11:30 am and ended the year on a sweet note by discussing participants’ favorite holiday sweets to enjoy or to gift. What a sweet and lovely way to end 2022 with KFNV friends!
Going forward in 2023, the KFNV has the following events planned for January:
- On Thursday, January 5, 2023 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm, the KFNV Movie Club will meet to discuss the movie, Denial, a 2016 biographical film that dramatizes the Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. case, in which Deborah Lipstadt, a Holocaust scholar, was sued by Holocaust denier David Irving for libel. Denial stars Rachel Weisz and is available on Amazon Prime;
- On Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm, the KFNV Book Club will discuss the book, We Are Not Like Them by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza. The novel, “We Are Not Like Them tackles tough issues like race, brutality, and class with unflinching honesty and empathy, and will be a big hit with book clubs.” Business Insider; and
- On Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 4:00-5:15 pm, KFNV will host its monthly highlight presentation, Brain Health Is for All Ages! by Maureen Charlton, Director of Memory Support Services and Programming at Ingleside at King Farm. The KFNV invites all members of the King Farm Community to this interactive discussion as we explore the concept of brain health. Learn some evidence-based strategies and practical tools to boost your brain health. You do not have to be a KFNV member to participate in this event.
Please note that the KFNV has changed its monthly Movie Club, Book Club, Coffee & Conversation gatherings, and highlight events, to in-person meetings and has reserved the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850 for these events. In accordance with the policy adopted by the KFNV Board of Directors, people attending KFNV sponsored, in-person events must be vaccinated per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID recommendations. Wearing a mask is optional. In case of inclement weather and if there is time to notify participants, the KFNV may opt for a Zoom presentation for any meeting or event. Therefore, the KFNV will not be offering a hybrid option for any future events. Finally, the KFNV offers transportation to many of its monthly events for KFNV members. Please contact the Operations Coordinator at, or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104 to arrange for transportation.
Contacting the KFNV
For most of the KFNV monthly events as well as the services, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form, with residency in the King Farm Community being the only membership requirement.
Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept. and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. Please keep the KFNV in mind as you make your year-end charitable donations.
For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service or a ride, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator by calling (301) 799-8104 or leaving a voicemail, or view the KFNV website at
RCPD News Report: December 06, 2022 to December 13, 2022
Click here to read the Weekly Crime Report courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850