Food Truck Friday Returns Next Week
Food Truck Friday will take a hiatus tonight but will return next Friday, August 20 with Fat Pete’s BBQ
August Food Truck Schedule*
- Friday, August 20 – Fat Pete’s BBQ
- Friday, August 27 – O’Boy Pizza
- Saturday, August 28 – Flipside Gastro
*Food trucks are subject to change due or be canceled due to weather events.
Organic Summer Turf Application Notice
Community Landscape Services will be on the property for post emergent weed control/crabgrass applications. The turf fertilization application is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 23rd (weather permitting). All applications are organic (SDS sheets are included in the attachment) and all treated areas will be properly marked. If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact
The King Farm turf program has been organic since 2016. Please refer to the Turf Fertilization Notice attachment and visit the King Farm website ( for more information.
O’Leary Asphalt- Lead Walks Affected by Sidewalk Replacements
O’Leary Asphalt is slated to begin sidewalk repairs throughout the community beginning Thursday, August 19th. Please note that there will be some homes that have sidewalks in front of the lead walks that need to be repaired. This means they will not be able to walk directly from their lead walk to the sidewalk while the repairs are in progress.
Notices will be posted a few days in advance in the curb grass. Scheduling of work may change based on weather conditions. Please refer to the list below of homes where concrete repairs are expected in front of the lead walk.
- CORK TREE (210)
- CROOKED CREEK (700, 704, 710, 714)
- ELMCROFT (108, 112, 120, 340, 942)
- GARDEN VIEW WAY (214, 216)
- GRAND CHAMPION (609, 619, 625, 709, 908, 1004)
- LANDIS (709)
- LAWSON (502, 510)
- LONGHORN CRESCENT (402, 500, 515, 559)
- PASTURE SIDE PLACE (109, 134, 138, 142)
- PASTURE SIDE WAY (104, 108)
- ROBENA (308, 400, 404, 413)
- ROLLING FIELDS (707, 717)
July/August Edition of the Chronicle Available Now
Click here to read the July/August 2021 King Farm Chronicle.
For more information about the Chronicle, please visit the Chronicle page on our website:
Community Reminder
We are receiving more complaints about people walking, riding bikes, and playing in between the townhomes. We are receiving report of damage to the grading and plant material in these areas. This open area in between the townhomes is not common area. Usually, a portion of the area in between the townhomes belongs to each owner and is considered private property.
Please take a moment to remind contractors, guests, and children to not use the space in between the townhomes as a cut through. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
We appreciate your attention and cooperation in this matter.
Tree Maintenance/Replacement Responsibility
This is a reminder that most of the trees in the alley are located within the boundaries of the homeowner’s lot (even if they are outside the fence). Most lots extend beyond the fence to the alley drive lane. Refer to your settlement documents that were provided to you at the closing of your home. If you can’t locate that paperwork, you can view your property lines online through either the Rockville GIS website ( and clicking on the Parcel Information map or by visiting the State’s website. Once you determine your property boundaries, you will gain a clear picture of who is responsible for the tree. In some cases, there may be a shared responsibility between neighbors for trees. If you need any help in reviewing your plat, please feel free to contact the management office at and we will assist you.
When you are reviewing your landscaping, please be sure to check the trees in the front and rear (in the alley) of the home. King Farm is aging, and a lot of plant material and trees throughout the community are in decline. While King Farm has mulched and trimmed trees hanging into the alley drive lanes, homeowners are ultimately responsible for the maintenance and replacement and installation of the trees (if the trees are within the homeowner lot).
While reviewing trees throughout the community, evidence of emerald ash borers (and other health conditions) were identified (see refer to attached picture below). This disease ultimately causes tree failure. Many of the alley trees are significant in size, so it is important to check the condition of the trees to identify and treat these issues early. Due to the size of the trees, costs to remove and replace the trees can be expensive (typically $1,000 and up), so it is important to plan ahead for this work. Homeowners are liable for any damage or injury caused by falling branches from trees on their lot.

The Board of Trustees, the KFCA President, and Management are working with landscape experts to provide tree species options that are more resistant to disease and other information to help guide homeowners through the process. We encourage tree replacement to mitigate damage, but also to maintain the general aesthetics and canopy/shade over the alleys. Trees provide aesthetic continuity in the alleys, but also provide shade to reduce the ground temperatures in the alleys.
Per Equity Resolution #1, no live trees with a diameter more than four inches, measured twelve inches above the ground, nor flowering trees more than two inches similarly measured may be removed from a Lot without application to and approval by the Community Architect and the ADT. Trees removed shall be replaced with the same type of tree or with an alternate tree or shrub group which requires an application to and approval by the Community Architect and the ADT.
Removal of live tree more that 4 inches in diameter require a design review application.
King Farm Fitness Center Open
The King Farm Fitness Center (gym) located inside the Community Center (300 Saddle Ridge Circle) reopened to residents in June. Due to the limited size of the room (approximately 300 sq. ft.), only four (4) persons are allowed to exercise at any given time in order to maintain appropriate social distancing between patrons. Reservations are also required in order to use the fitness center and can be made up to 1 week in advance. Reservations can be booked for 1-hour increments beginning at 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.
While Montgomery County has lifted COVID-19 protocols, KFCA is exercising caution as we do not know who is fully vaccinated and want to reduce the likelihood of transmission.
- A capacity limit has been put in place for 4 people at a time**
- ALL residents must sign and submit a waiver to access the pool. If you signed a liability waiver last summer, it is still valid.
- if you need to sign a liability waiver, please click here to download your waiver and email the signed copy to Management (
- A key fob is required to access the fitness center. The fitness center can be accessed from the side door located on the right side of the community center building.
- If you do not have a key fob, please complete the key fob application form or contact Management.
- A reservation is required to attend the fitness center. Reservations can be made using the Omnify reservation portal:
- Please cancel your reservation if you cannot attend to allow others to book.
- Increased cleaning procedures have been put in place to help reduce the transmission of the virus.
- Reservations can be booked for 1-hour increments beginning at 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.
- If you are the only person exercising, you do not need to wear your mask; however, if additional persons are using the fitness center, then all persons need to wear masks.
**PLEASE NOTE: The above information is subject to change. Management and the Board of Trustees will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed.
King Farm Neighbors Village News
Notice of Cancellation:
King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) was hoping to resume in-person events and services in October with a reopening event on September 23, 2021. However, because of the resurgence of Covid-19, the September event is cancelled, and events will remain virtual for the foreseeable future.
On August 12th from 12:30-2:00 pm, the KFNV monthly Book Club virtually engaged in a discussion of Sy Montgomery’s non-fiction work, Soul of An Octopus, which centers on Ms. Montgomery’s up-close and personal observations over a period of time of the highly intelligent octopuses. The discussion proved to be not only thoughtful and informative but uplifting as well.
The September Book Club choice is: The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali. The KFNV Book Club welcomes new members. All that is required is KFNV membership. Please see below for membership details.
The last virtual event for August will be the KFNV monthly Coffee and Conversation from 10:00 -11:30 am on August 18th where the topics will be:
- What are your plans for a post-Covid-19 life?
- What kind of services and events would you like KFNV to provide and host?
Please visit the KFNV website at for a complete description of the August KFNV events. In addition, the KFNV Blog under the News section of the website has articles about past events as well as news relevant to the KFNV community.
How to Contact KFNV:
For most of our monthly events, membership is required; but membership is free and as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form. We do, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events. For information on how to register for any of the above events, to become a KFNV member, or to make a donation, please contact the Member Coordinators at, leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104, or view the KFNV website at
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Voicemail: (301) 799-8104
Mask Up In Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Council unanimously voted on August 5, 2021 to reimplement an indoor mask mandate for all indoor public spaces in Montgomery County as of August 7, 2021.
Face coverings are not required if a person has a “bona fide disability or medical condition”; is receiving dental care, shaving or facial treatments; is eating and drinking; or swimming or engaging in exercise where the use of a face covering would pose a safety risk. The mandate also exempts mask wearing by a person giving a speech or performance as long as they are 6 feet away from others.