1. Upcoming Board & Committee Meetings
2. Final Phase of Paving Project – DATE CHANGES
3. Food Truck Friday
4. King Farm Community Yard Sale
5. Pool Season – FINAL WEEKEND
6. King Farm to Host Rockville Candidates Forum
7. King Farm Neighbors Village Activities
8. Friendly Reminders – Alley Lights and Trash
9. Tree Montgomery
10. Rockville City Police Department Crime Report
To view past email newsletters and other updates, please visit the King Farm website under ‘Stay Informed’.
The King Farm website is your best resource for staying up-to-date with all things King Farm!
BOT Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Next BOT Meeting: September 20, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Board of Trustees (BOT)
Wednesday 09/20/2023 – 7:30 PM
To view the Resident Board Book, click here. All BOT documents can be accessed via the FrontSteps Resident Portal within the ‘BOT (Board of Trustees)’ folder
Meeting changes will be sent via email blast and/or posted on the website,
If you need assistance registering for a virtual meeting and for all other questions, please contact Management by phone (301) 987-0122 or by email at
Identify Your Section On The Map (See Attached Map)
Weather related delays – If a day is rained out, the schedule will continue as detailed (unless otherwise stated), and the missed day will be added to the end of the schedule. Management will notify those affected via email.
To ensure a smooth process, we kindly request your cooperation with the following:
Parking/Access: Please be mindful of any temporary parking restrictions or access in affected areas and plan accordingly.
Traffic: Follow the instructions of the traffic management personnel and adhere to any signage or alternate routes provided.
All alleys will be sealcoated EXCEPT alleys with significant patchwork (see gray areas on map). Alleys will be blocked, so vehicles cannot drive in the alleys starting at 7:00 am the morning of the scheduled work. Access will be granted the following day. Striping of lots will be done same day as sealcoat.
Please review the map (number and color code) to determine the date of of the schedule work in your alley. Questions?
Email or call 301-987-0122.

It’s Food Truck Friday and tonight we welcome back El Jefe Wood Fired Pizza who will be set up on the lawn at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There is no pre-order link for tonight.
Food Truck Friday September Schedule
September 22 – Trippy Tacos
September 29 – Corned Beer King
Please note, due to weather or mechanical truck issues, food trucks may cancel on short notice.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 23, 2023 for the Annual King Farm Community Yard Sale. So far we have almost 40 King Farm residents registered to participate. Come sell or shop for treasures from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the Saddle Ridge Community Center lawn at 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. A rain date of Sunday, Sept 24, 2023 has been arranged.
At this time we have sold out of spaces on the lawn for the sale and are no longer able to accept any additional registrations for residents to sell their items.

SEPTEMBER 15, 16, & 17
We want to remind everyone that you MUST have either a physical Key Fob or Mobile Amenities Pass to access the pools. General Information can be found here:
Your picture is attached to the key fob and mobile pass. You cannot share key fobs. Please be sure the key fob or pass you use is assigned to you. Guards can look up your information, but if it doesn’t match or it isn’t available, entry may be denied.
Please remember to follow lifeguard instructions. Failure to follow lifeguard instructions can result in the suspension of the use of the pool for a day, a week, or the remainder of the season.
We appreciate your cooperation. Enjoy the final days of the pool season!

King Farm to Host Rockville Candidates Forum
The King Farm Citizens Assembly will host a Candidates Forum for residents to meet the Rockville residents who are vying for your vote to serve as Mayor and Councilmembers of the Rockville City Council. It is important that King Farm uses its voting power to influence decisions that directly impact King Farm.
The Forum will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. Residents are encouraged to submit the questions they want asked to the candidates via e-mail to management@ by October 9, 2023. More information about the Forum will be announced, so please watch for e-mail blasts and postings on
The King Farm Citizens Assembly is independent and nonpartisan in this election and does not endorse any of the candidates. The Forum provides an opportunity for all King Farm resident voters to meet the candidates, hear their views, and how it will affect King Farm, and decide who will get your vote.
Stay tuned for the October edition of the King Farm Chronicle for a special Rockville City Election “Meet the Candidates” segment.

King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) is continuing its busy roster of September events with the following activities:
- The Walking Club continues its jaunts Monday-Thursday at 4 pm, except in the case of inclement weather. The group meets in the park across from The Fontina Grille.
- On Thursday, September 21, 2023 from 1:00-3:00 pm, The KFNV Friends Club will again host, as it did in June, its monthly luncheon outdoors at King Farm Homestead Park near the King Farm Barns and Community Gardens. The KFNV Friends hopes that you can join us to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of fall.
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the Coffee and Conversation group, will gather from 10:00-11:30 am and discuss the topic: Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
- Highlight Event: On Thursday, September 28, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 pm, Patricia Dubroof will facilitate a class entitled, “Creative Engagement and Champagne.” Ms. Dubroof is Director of Community Relations/Creative Aging Specialist with Assisting Hands of Potomac as well as a professional artist & teacher. During this interactive event, Ms. Dubroof will demonstrate a simple, hands-on art project to create individualized note cards. You do not have to be a member of the KFNV to participate in this creative activity; however, please sign up as early as possible as there is a participant limit. We hope to see many King Farm friends at this “sparkling” and fun activity.
Please note that the monthly Movie Club, Book Club, Coffee and Conversation gatherings, and many highlight events are held at the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850. In case of inclement weather and if there is time to notify participants, the KFNV may opt for a Zoom presentation for any meeting or event. Finally, the KFNV offers transportation to many of its monthly events for KFNV members. Please contact the Operations Coordinator at, or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104 to arrange for transportation.
The KFNV continues to support King Farm residents with its community services. Transportation services continue to be the top category for KFNV services; however, many requests for simple household tasks have been fulfilled. Watering plant for vacationing KFNV members has been a very popular summer task for KFNV volunteers. The tasks have been quite varied. If you are in doubt about whether a task could be performed by one of the KFNV volunteers, go ahead and fill out the service form on the KFNV website. Our Operations Team will get back to you to determine if the task is under our umbrella of tasks.
Besides transportation and simple household tasks, the KFNV also offers friendly phone calls, texts, and friendly visits. Please feel free to avail yourself of all of the community services that the KFNV offers. Please note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. See below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services as well as how to become a KFNV member.
Volunteers Wanted
The KFNV is looking for “a few good volunteers” to provide community services to its members. The KFNV is looking for volunteer assistance —from serving on committees like the Events Committee, to assisting the Operations Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, or the Webmaster– to providing transportation services to our members. Please feel free to contact the Operations Coordinator for any questions you may have about becoming a KFNV volunteer by calling (301) 799-8104, emailing to , or viewing the KFNV website at for information as well as an on-line form to fill out to become a KFNV volunteer. The KFNV thanks you for your consideration in becoming a KFNV volunteer.
Contacting the KFNV
For most of the KFNV monthly events as well as the services, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form with residency in the King Farm Community being the only membership requirement. Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events.
For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service or a ride, to become a KFNV member or a volunteer, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator by calling (301) 799-8104 to leave a voicemail, emailing the KFNV at , or viewing the KFNV website at
Friendly Reminders
Alley Lights and Trash & Recycling
Alley Lights Must Be On From Dusk to Dawn
As we lose daylight hours, it is important to remember to verify that your alley light(s) is operable. Per Equity Resolution #2, alley lights should be on from dusk to dawn. The light should be on a photocell, so it automatically turns on at dusk. If your alley light is on a photocell but energized by a switch, please consider taping the switch in the on position to avoid accidently turning it off.
- The City of Rockville provides once-per-week curbside recycling, trash, and yard waste collections in the community. Trash/Recycling/Yard Waste day in King Farm is THURSDAY.
- Place recycling/trash bins at the curb/alleyway the night before collection OR the morning of collection before 6:00 am.
- Recycling/trash bins must be store inside the garage, approved shed, or Living unit on non-collection days (within 24-hours of collection). Refer to Equity Resolution #1.
- Yard waste should be bagged and left at the front (not the alley) of the home on trash days.
- Please refer to the King Farm website ( or the City for Rockville site for more information (
Tree Montgomery
Please click this link for more information
Tree Montgomery : Tree Montgomery.

to read the Weekly Crime Report
courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
RockView Program
If you have a ring camera (or other front door/doorbell camera), you can register it with the RCPD. The RockView program allows residents and business owners to voluntary register their privately owned video security camera systems with the RCPD. Registration in the RockView program does not enable law enforcement to view camera footage without an owner’s permission. However, the RockView program will allow city police to quickly identify security cameras that may have captured criminal activity when a crime is reported nearby. For more information about the RockView program, click here.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Stay connected with breaking news and information from RCPD on:
Facebook – @RockvilleCityPolice
Twitter – @RockvilleCityPD
Instagram – @RockvilleCityPolice