- KFCA Upcoming Board & Committee Meetings
- Fitness Room Hours Limited Until March 11
- 2024 Exterior Lot Inspections Are Underway
- King Farm Spring Community Yard Sale
- KFCA Music Jam Social Club – Seeking Members
- King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) Activities
- City of Rockville International Night
- Rockville Seeks Members for Community Policing Board
- Rockville Seeks Community Input in Search for Next City Manager
- Free Steering Wheel Locks Available to Hyundai, Kia Owners
- City of Rockville Police Department
BOT typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Next BOT Regular Meeting: March 20, 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Minutes, Agendas, and other info for BOT: https://kingfarm.org/board-of-trustees/
BOCC typically meets on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Next BOCC Regular Meeting: March 11, 2024 @ 7:0 pm
ADT typically meets on the second Wednesday of the month.
Turn in Design Review Applications by the 20th of the month before the next meeting
Next ADT Meeting: March 13, 2024 @4:30 pm
Minutes, Agendas, and other info for ADT: https://kingfarm.org/architectural-design-trust/.
Contact Management if you need assistance.
Meeting changes will be sent via email blast and/or posted on the website.
Beginning February 26th, the community Fitness Room will have limited hours for approximately two weeks due to the replacement of the exterior deck. Generally, access will be available only when the Management Office is open. The replacement is necessary to ensure the structural integrity for deck use and for the safety of the residents and guests. The Fitness Room will be accessible during office business hours only . through the main entrance at the Community Center. The Fitness Room will not be accessible through the side door. Weather permitting, the temporary hours will be as follows:
• Friday March 1st – 9am-2pm
• Saturday/Sunday March 2nd – Sunday March 3rd – CLOSED
• Monday March 4th – Thursday March 7th – 9am-5pm
• Friday March 8th – 9am – 2pm
• Saturday/Sunday March 9th – Sunday March 10th – CLOSED
• Monday March 11th – 9am-5pm
Management provide updates if there are additional changes. Questions/Comment should be directed to Management at 301-987-0122 or email management@kingfarm.org.

Periodic exterior inspections of the homes/lots in King Farm are important for ensuring all property owners are maintaining their home/lot in accordance with the governing documents. These maintenance standards contribute to enhancing curb appeal and property values.
HOA Inspections USA, an independent inspection company, will take photos of homes as part of the inspection process. The photographer will be identifiable by their colored safety vest. The photographer will be using cameras to take photos of homes from common/public areas. The photographer will not discuss what issues may be cited for yours or anyone else’s property.
Take a moment to look at the exterior of the home and determine if maintenance is needed. Some maintenance may need to be performed annually depending on sun exposure, moisture, grading of soil, shade, and other factors. Be sure to review the Equity Resolutions #6 (Landscaping) and #9 (Exterior Maintenance). Click the “Inspections Are Underway” header to obtain more information.
Please plan ahead with maintenance projects. If you are traveling, make arrangements to maintain your landscaping through the growing season. This is especially important during the spring and summer months because landscape maintenance can easily get unruly. Also, please remember to email the On-Site Management Team the contact information for your management company (if hired). If you have an alternate contact while you are on travel or your contact information changes while on travel, pleas keep us informed. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring their lot is properly maintained even while away. However, if there extenuating circumstances, please contact Management Team as soon as possible at 301-987-0122 or management@kingfarm.org.
If maintenance items are identified, a notice from HOA Inspections USA will be sent via USPS mail. Email notifications will NOT be sent for the initial notice. The initial notice will provide a compliance date to bring the noted items into compliance. If the items are not brought into compliance, then a Final Notice/ Intent to Hold Hearing will be sent via USPS mail, email (if available) and posted to the property address door.
Check Your Mail
Initial Notices have been sent to properties located on the following streets:
Bonnibelle Place, Dunloggin Drive, Game Creek Drive, Heritage Fields Way, Landis Way, Lawson Way, Rolling Fields Way, Silver King Lane, Treemont Way,
Trotter Farm Drive, Shorthorn Way, Pasture Side Place, Saddle Ridge Circle, Watkins Overlook
If you have any questions, please contact the Management Office at 301-987-0122 or management@kingfarm.org.
Spring Community Yard Sale

The City of Rockville will be hosting a Spring Community Outdoor Yard Sale on Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. right here in King Farm in the parking lot of the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park. This event is perfect for those King Farm residents who have been waiting for the return of the yard sale! If you are interested in participating, you must pre-register and submit payment to secure your one parking spot space and a 6-foot table. Rain date will be Sunday, May 5, 2023. The cost is $35.00 for one city provided table, additional tables can be purchased for $35.00 or you may register and bring your own table for $25.00. To register your spot, please visit www.rockvillemd.gov/registration. If you have questions, please call 240-314-8780.
This will be the only yard sale held in King Farm this year, so don’t miss out!
Secure your spot today!

Start the new year off with a bang and join the King Farm Music Jam Social Club!
King Farm Music Jam Social Club is a group of hobby musicians who come together to play music. This group is sponsored by King Farm Citizens Assembly. club meetings are held on a monthly basis with sessions throughout the year.
The sessions are held at the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD, 20850.
Guitarists, keyboardists, percussionists, and other musicians of all levels, 18 years and older, are welcome to participate.
Bring your musical instrument. It is also helpful to bring a music stand and a power strip if power is needed for your equipment. For those that sing, a microphone would be helpful.
Songs are selected from a jam songbook and generally have common chords. A phone, tablet, or computer is needed.
Also, feel free to bring song sheets for any songs with common chords you would like to share; 10 to 15 copies should do it.
Email kingfarmmusicclub@gmail.com if you would like to participate. Detailed dates and times to come!

Shout out to Bon Fresco, Botanero, Coffee Republic, and Launch Physical Therapy and Fitness for the lovely prizes they donated for “Bingo in the Center.” Also, the King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) would like to thank Nagoya Sushi Restaurant for the great service and delicious food that they provided at The KFNV Friend’s group’s monthly luncheon.
Events in February
The KFNV closes out February with the following events:
- The Walking Club continues its jaunts Monday-Thursday at 4 pm, except in the case of inclement weather. The group meets in the park across from The Fontina Grille. Please feel free to join the walks even if you have never joined before.
- On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 from 10:00-11:30 am, Coffee and Conversation participants will meet in the King Farm Community Center where the topic, reflecting Black History month, will be “What African-American person (celebrity or not) do you admire and why?”
Events in March
March like February is a busy month, full of activities, for the KFNV.
- The Walking Club continues its walks Monday-Thursday at 4 pm, except in the case of inclement weather. The group meets in the park across from The Fontina Grille. Please feel free to join the walks even if you have never joined before.
- On Thursday, March 7, 2024 from 2:00-3:00 pm, the KFNV Movie Club will review the film, Maestro, starring Bradley Cooper as Leonard Bernstein and Carry Mulligan as Bernstein’s wife, Felicia Montealegre Cohn Bernstein. Maestro has been nominated this year for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress.
- On Thursday, March 14, 2024 from 12:30-2:00 pm, KFNV Book Club members will discuss the novel, Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boyland. As the Literary Hub summarized, “Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boyland have teamed up in a beautiful collaboration to produce a gripping novel that is at once a murder mystery and a courtroom drama, exploring questions around identity and gender.”
- On Monday, March 18, 2024 from 7:00-9:00 pm, the KFNV will host its monthly highlight event: “Keeping Drinking Water Clean and Flowing”, presented by Dr. Jude Cobbing, a King Farm resident. Dr. Cobbing is a water resource and environmental specialist with more than twenty years of experience in the public, research, and private sectors. Currently, he is Advisor, Integrated Water Resource Management at Save the Children USA. Dr. Cobbing’s presentation will center on clean water innovations such as adding chlorine to water that were developed here on the East Coast. In addition, Dr. Cobbing will discuss the history of the clean water supply in the US and beyond, including the role of this area’s very own Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. Dr. Cobbing hopes that after the presentation “you will see the water from your faucet in a totally different light.”
- On Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 1:00-3:00 pm, The KFNV Friends Club will host its monthly luncheon at a yet to be determined King Farm restaurant. Keep an eye on the weekly King Farm email blasts for the restaurant location.
- On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 10:00-11:30 am, Coffee and Conversation participants in anticipation of spring will discuss: What are your favorite local day trips?
Please note that the monthly Movie Club, Book Club, Coffee and Conversation gatherings, and many highlight events are held at the King Farm Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, Rockville, MD 20850. In case of inclement weather and if there is time to notify participants, the KFNV may opt for a Zoom presentation for any meeting or event. Finally, the KFNV offers transportation to many of its monthly events for KFNV members. Please contact the Operations Coordinator at kfnvinfo@gmail.com, or leave a voicemail at (301) 799-8104 to arrange for transportation.
The KFNV continues to support King Farm residents with its community services: transportation to appointments, simple household tasks, friendly phone calls/texts, and friendly visits. Please feel free to avail yourself of all of the community services that the KFNV offers. If you are in doubt about whether a task could be performed by one of the KFNV volunteers, go ahead and fill out the service form on the KFNV website. Our Operations Team will get back to you to determine if the task is under our umbrella of tasks. Also, please note that services are open to KFNV members only; however, membership is free and an easy process. See below on how to contact the KFNV to schedule any of the services or with any questions that you may have about the services as well as how to become a KFNV member.
Volunteers—Sign Language Interpreter Needed
The KFNV is always looking for a “few good volunteers” to provide community services to its members like drives to appointments, friendly visits, and help with simple household tasks. In particular, the KFNV is looking for someone to volunteer as a sign language interpreter for those members who are hearing impaired. Please feel free to contact the Operations Coordinator for any questions you may have about becoming a KFNV volunteer by calling (301) 799-8104, emailing to kfnvinfo@gmail.com , or viewing the KFNV website at www.kfnv.org for information as well as an on-line form to fill out to become a KFNV volunteer. The KFNV thanks you for your consideration in becoming a KFNV volunteer.
Contacting the KFNV
For most of the KFNV monthly events as well as the services, membership is required; but membership is as easy as filling out an on-line or mail-in form with residency in the King Farm community being the only membership requirement. We are a multi-generational Village; therefore, there is no age requirement to join the KFNV. The KFNV welcomes all King Farm residents of all ages.
Although there is no fee to become a KFNV member, the KFNV does, however, accept and welcome donations; for these donations help defray the cost of KFNV services and events.
For information on how to register for any of the above events, to request a service or a ride, to become a KFNV member or a volunteer, or to make a donation, please contact the Operations Coordinator by calling (301) 799-8104 to leave a voicemail, emailing the KFNV at kfnvinfo@gmail.com , or viewing the KFNV website at www.kfnv.org.

Rockville is a city of diversity. Our residents come from around the world. Our International Night is a celebration of the living, breathing example of Rockville’s success as a truly cosmopolitan city, one that respects and encourages people of all cultures, creeds and colors.
International Night showcases dance performances and traditional clothing displays, with an opportunity for attendees to sample unique and traditional foods from around the world, engage with and learn the customs of people from different countries, and discover our community’s different cultures.
Event Info
Friday, March 8, 2024 at 6 p.m.
F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre at Rockville Civic Center Park
603 Edmonston Drive, Rockville, MD 20851
Join your neighbors for an evening of fun and entertainment at this free event! Featuring a special performance by Soul In Motion Inc. and LPCC’s West African Dance Class.
Still have questions? Contact:
111 Maryland Ave.
Rockville, MD 20850
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Rockville Seeks Members for Community Policing Board

Community members are encouraged to apply to serve on the city’s Community Policing Advisory Board.
The board provides recommendations to the Mayor and Council on how to support Rockville City Police Department programs, training, and professional development, and crime and safety initiatives. It also meets with police to discuss issues as they arise, in the interest of making improvements and finding solutions.
The board meets a minimum of eight times a year. It provides input and support for department initiatives, including but not limited to: National Night Out, the annual community police open house, the police ride-along program and fair and impartial police command and community trainings.
There are several vacancies on the board, which is comprised of nine members who live in Rockville. The city seeks diversity in members’ ages, sex, gender, race, nationality, languages spoken and neighborhoods of residence. At least one board seat is reserved for a youth member, age 16-21. Board members serve staggered terms, with four members serving three-year terms and four others serving two-year terms. The youth member serves a one-year term.
To apply, use the expression of interest form at www.rockvillemd.gov/join-a-board-or-commission.
The Mayor and Council created the board in 2021 and approved the board’s mission “to enhance trust, respect, communication and collaboration between the community and the police department in order to increase knowledge, understanding, awareness and open dialogue, and to minimize systemic and individual biases.”
Learn more about the board at www.rockvillemd.gov/cpab and more about the RCPD at www.rockvillemd.gov/police.
Rockville Seeks Community Input in Search for Next City Manager

The City of Rockville is moving forward with the search for its next city manager.
The Mayor and Council are interested in hearing community members’ opinions and feedback about the traits needed for someone to be successful in this role.
A survey is available, through Sunday, March 31, for community members to provide feedback about the traits, qualities and characteristics they’d like to see in a city manager and the priorities that the city manager should focus on. Take the survey at bit.ly/RkvCityManagerSurvey.
The position will be open until filled, with a first review of applications beginning Tuesday, March 19.
The City of Rockville operates under a council-manager form of government. The city manager is responsible to the Mayor and Council for the day-to-day management of city operations. Under provisions of the City Charter and code, the city manager prepares a budget for the Mayor and Council’s approval; recruits, hires, and supervises staff; implements Mayor and Council policies; and provides professional recommendations.
For more information, including an application, visit bit.ly/RkvCityManagerApply.

Maryland residents with Hyundai or Kia vehicles can get free steering wheel locks at the Rockville State Police Barracks Saturday and Sunday. This applies to cars that use a physical key to start.
Owners should bring their license and registration to the lobby of the Rockville Barracks to receive one free steering wheel lock. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3. The steering wheel locks will be available while supplies last.
The Rockville Barracks is located at 7915 Montrose Road, near the I-270 exit. The barracks phone numbers are 301.251.8000 and 301.424.2101.
A vehicle theft occurs, on average, every 47 minutes in Maryland. Police urge vehicle owners to be vigilant to protect themselves and their property. In most circumstances, thefts occur either in residential areas in the late evening and early morning hours, or in commercial areas during the midday hours. In approximately 50% of the vehicles stolen, keys were left inside and 60% of the vehicles stolen were not locked.
It is important to remember to:
Lock your car
Take your keys or key fobs
Hide your valuables
Use an anti-theft device
The wheel locks are available at 14 of the 23 state police barracks this weekend. In addition to the Rockville Barracks, wheel locks are available at the Bel Air, North East, JFK Highway, Forestville, College Park, Golden Ring, Westminter, Waterloo, Glen Burnie, Leonardtown, Prince Frederick, La Plata, and Annapolis barracks. Visit mdsp.maryland.gov for barrack addresses and contact information or click on the map below.

to read the Weekly Crime Report
courtesy of the Rockville City Police Department.
RockView Program
If you have a ring camera (or other front door/doorbell camera), you can register it with the RCPD. The RockView program allows residents and business owners to voluntary register their privately owned video security camera systems with the RCPD. Registration in the RockView program does not enable law enforcement to view camera footage without an owner’s permission. However, the RockView program will allow city police to quickly identify security cameras that may have captured criminal activity when a crime is reported nearby. For more information about the RockView program, click here.
If you have a crime or concern to report, please contact the Rockville City Police Department at:
Non-Emergency: 240-314-8900
Emergency: 9-1-1
2 W. Montgomery Ave, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Stay connected with breaking news and information from RCPD on:
Facebook – @RockvilleCityPolice
Twitter – @RockvilleCityPD
Instagram – @RockvilleCityPolice